
매일 토익 LC 받아쓰기 어제 풀어본 LC문제를 받아쓰기와 쉐도잉을 하며 복습하세요!

2019. 09. 14 참여자수 : 138명
5초 후 스킵 가능합니다.
반복재생 속도 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5
W: Good morning. This is Jasmine Taylor with the 93.1 radio traffic report. The second phase of Northridge City’s widening project along Maine Avenue . The project was started two years ago this October with the intention of easing traffic congestion heading to the airport. As of next Friday, Northbound traffic will have four lanes instead of two between J12 and J14. The third phase of the project, which starts in November, two lanes heading southbound between J15 and J16. City officials say that the project will be finished by March next year, although there is speculation among local engineers that it to May. Stay tuned for another traffic report.


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