
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2024. 09. 14 참여자수 : 198명

Part 5
1.  Most hoteliers say that one of the real ________ of the industry is staying in business during economic crises.


2.  Clarington Bank said that the profit information listed in its annual financial statement was both inaccurate ________ incomplete.


3.  Banking Web sites must reassure their customers that their personal information is ________ stored online.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following information.

All newly hired tour guides ---4.---- their hospitality management training with a seminar on customer service and public relations. Attendance is required, as the session constitutes part of your instruction for the position. ---5.----. The first class will begin on June 5 at Charten Cruise Lines' main office in the conference room on the second floor.


Each instructor's ---6.---- will consist of a one-hour talk on a given topic followed by a 40-minute group activity. The activities will provide participants with the ---7.---- to apply what they learned in a work setting. Group members will be asked to present a solution to a problem. The final 20 minutes will be used to recap discussions and allow participants to ask the speaker questions.


For inquiries, please contact the personnel department at 555-8963.








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