
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2025. 02. 15 참여자수 : 2259명

Part 5
1.  A supervisor in the accounting division is trying to decide which accounting software would be most _______ for the staff to use.


2.  The warehouse supervisor reminded us that _______ inventory item that contains a defect should be removed from the shelves.


3.  As _______, operating costs at the factory increased by 25 percent this quarter, which will make it necessary to raise our prices.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Susan Schmidt <s.schmidt@luxokitchensolutions.com>
To: Allan Pang <a.pang@cloudservice-pang.com>
Date: March 17
Subject: Model 380ES

Dear Mr. Pang,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding our newest sink, model number 380ES. Your kitchen dimensions are in line with our measurements. So, no ---4.---- will be necessary. Unfortunately, we are waiting for our manufacturing plant to ship more pieces to our warehouse in San Diego. ---5.---- will take about 10 days. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you need the sink sooner than that, I have located two units of the same model at the Parker Interiors store in downtown San Diego. There is a slight retail price mark-up. So if you don’t ---6.---- waiting for the parts to come in, you can pay less by buying from us directly. ---7.----.

Susan Schmidt
Luxo Kitchen Solutions









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