번호 | 제목 | 날짜 | 조회 |
>> | Judge not, lest ye be judged | 2024-09-11 | 24250 |
6 | From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step | 2024-09-09 | 32143 |
5 | Clothes do not make the man | 2024-09-07 | 30628 |
4 | Two wrongs don’t make a right. | 2024-09-05 | 26799 |
3 | Give the devil his due | 2024-09-03 | 31731 |
2 | The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. | 2024-09-01 | 31562 |
1 | Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. | 2024-08-30 | 30863 |