
매일 토익 LC 받아쓰기 어제 풀어본 LC문제를 받아쓰기와 쉐도잉을 하며 복습하세요!

2019. 07. 24 참여자수 : 277명
5초 후 스킵 가능합니다.
반복재생 속도 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5
M: Hello, ladies and gentleman. to the first showing of my latest work, Miami, My Love. I’m very proud of this movie. using people who have never acted before I made this film. In fact, some of my colleagues told me it was a bad idea. However, after the first casting call, I knew we were on the right track. We have a bit of time before the curtain goes up at eight o’clock, so please visit the snack bar for complimentary popcorn. Also, don’t forget to stick around after the movie. .


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