
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2025. 02. 11 참여자수 : 3274명

Part 5
1.  The magazine's travel correspondents are required to work in close _______ with the editor regarding content, deadlines and photograph requirements.


2.  The human resources department has _______ your application for the assistant editor position and would like to schedule an interview.


3.  Most recent graduates want a _______ job, but few realize that a job only becomes worthwhile after devoting much time and effort.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following letter.

April 27

Purchasing Department
Al-Dente Catering
339 Bluemont Ave., Auckland NZ

Dear Mr. Conroy,

Thank you for allowing me to present some of our products at the trade fair in Sydney last week. 

You explained that you were seeking a supplier for dining and kitchen equipment. We have reviewed your requirements and believe that a partnership could prove ---4.---- to us both. We can offer guarantees that other suppliers cannot. ---5.----

As you ---6.----, I have sent you some samples of our cutlery. Additionally, to demonstrate how your ---7.---- is our utmost concern, we are prepared to make concessions. For instance, we can deliver your first shipment free and extend your payment terms.

Feel free to contact me at any time to place your first order or if you have further questions. 

Sally Worthington 








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