
스피킹&오픽자유게시판 스피킹시험을 준비하는 해티즌들이 자유롭게 이야기를 나누는 게시판입니다.


12/20 점수 예측 부탁드려용

150점4수 | 조회 801 | 추천 0
  • 2020.12.20
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Part1 :
1. 첫 두문장 긴장해서 오버톤으로 말함ㅠ 발음 뭉개지는 부분 조금 있을까봐 걱정
2. 무난

Part2 :
3. This picture was taken outside. I think, it's local market. The first thing i notice is some fruits and they are placed on the tables. In the middle of this picture, there is a woman. She is enjoying his(1초만에 정정).. her shopping. And she is holding a basket. Next to her, there is another woman, and she is standing. She is wearing glasses and she has short blonde hair. In the back ground. I can see some kinds of trees and buildings(그냥 건물이라 말해야하는대..) overall, it seem like they are having a good time. And it's peaceful

Part3 :
4. I usually use this about 1 hours(개망함ㅋㅋ) ~~. 뒤에는 school works 땜에 주로 쓴다고 잘 말함. 아니 나는 얼마나 오래 쓰냐고 물어본거 같았는데 다른글보니까 빈도룰 묻는 문제였네요ㅠㅠ..

5. 무난

6. 문제 무난하게 문자메세지로 카피대답 한 후. It's convenent. Actually in my case, i don't have enough time to call with others. Because, im very busy with my school work and job-searching(문제에서 동료랑 영락할때를 물었다는데 갑자기 학생컨샙ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이것도 망삘..ㅎ) so by doing this, i can save my time and energy.

Part4 :
7. From 몇시 to 몇시에 ~가 있다 by 누구 로 대답함. 무난

8. 위에랑 똑같은 문장구조로 맨 첫번째 스케쥴을 대답함... 뒤에 i'm sorry about that을 붙혔는데 솔직히 이거 잘 못듣고 9시만 들어서 맞는지 긴가민가..

9. 스케쥴 2개 무난하게 대답

Part5 :
10. Hello this is 누구. I understand that we have an issue with our park. And you want to know how to make our park clean. Is that right? Well i'm happy to help you so dont worry about anything. Here are my solutions for you.
First, i think it is good idea to make some regulation about this situation. If they follow this, we can give some incentives. How about movie ticket?(그냥 패널티만 말할껄 오바해서 무비티켓드립남용..) and if they dont follow this, we can give some penalties.
Second, why dont we post notice about this situation on social media. As you know, nowdays, many people use the social media such as facebook and instagram. I think, it'll be beneficial.
In this way, we can solve this problem(문제점 언급 한번 더 해야하는디..) if you need further help, please call me back have a nice day. Bye.

적다보니 전체적으로 근거가 빈약했었는듯ㅠ

Part6 :
11. I think there are some benefits... (3초 pause) i think.. (1초 버벅) i agree with that statement that 문제카피.
First, they can get rid of their stress and refresh themselves. Actually, nowday, many people are busy with their works. So if they do this. They can focuse on their work harder and work better. I think it'll be effective when it comes to their productivity.
Second, they can learn about teamwork and communication skill. As you know, nowdays, the business environment is tough. Because competition is high in the market. So if our employee have teamwork and communicaiton skill, it'll be helpful for their fu(짤림)ture..

총평 : 점수평가 안해주셔두돼요.. 쓰다보니까 이번시험도 150점이란걸 직감했습니다!! 헤헤
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