
스피킹&오픽자유게시판 스피킹시험을 준비하는 해티즌들이 자유롭게 이야기를 나누는 게시판입니다.


I'm going to give you a couple of criteria to be AL of OPIC test

Tom | 조회 2676 | 추천 2
  • 2014.09.15
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

To be an Advanced Low speaker in OPIc test, as a typical Korean English users, you'd probably need some of these methods.

I've gone through several OPIc exams and I found some common errors that Koreans make when they speak English.

Actually, Not only this tips help you speak English well, but it says what it takes to get AL in OPIc test.


First, You have to pay attention to your INTONATION.

If you're typical Korean speaker, your English can be heard with only mumbling by the exeminer of OPIc. This is very important point that you may not notice. You have got to speak English with proper intonation.


Don't think it's too tricky.   Because it's that easier than you think.

Put emphasis where you think a word or phrase is important. This can be done only by you recording your own vioce with electronic equipment such as smart phone.


Second, you've got to say with explanations rather than descriptions.

I've noticed a lot of English speaker of Koreans focus on the whole structure. But before thinking about the whole thing, you have to explain what you're going to talk about.

Okay, say you want to talk about Banmal and Jondaemal. You know what it is but the exeminer who is supposed to give you the socre may not know what it is. With brief explanation like "I think a distict culture we have in Korea is Banmal and Jondaemal. ☞

(explanation)Banmal and Jondaemal is the way of talking with respect when you tell older people and younger people. ~~~~"

How does that look? You probably think it is easier to go on to next saying when you give brief explanation.


Lastly, Practice telling stories from beginning to end.   

I personally think Korean speakers are afraid of doing this when they speak English. So, you might overlook and skip this. Instead, you'd spead time on memorizing a certain templete. I'm pretty sure that it is wrong. You don't have to say fancy words telling stories. Futhermore, what if you forget the template in an extreme situation like OPIc exams? It actually happens a lot.

If you want to say about some stories, just use simple words and expressions. For example, let's say you're asked to describe you typical day.

I'd say "Okay my whole day... usually I wake up around 8am, take a shower and have breakfast. I wear my clothes to go out. Then, I go to the bus stop to go to school. It's like 10minutes away from my house. So, I walk. I have six classes a week in school. It means I have a lot of time to chat with my friend. We do this in a cafeteria or coffe shop. I'm happy to be around my friends. That's one reason I want to go to school everyday. Since I get tired easily, I come home like 6pm and have dinner with my mom. These days, I exercise from 7 to 9. And I go to bed to sleep" ☜ This is not bad answer at all. This is enough to be AL of OPIc although this is simple answer. Because ,in terms of fluency and details, it perfectly fit the criteria.

So, what is important in this part is KEEP IT SIMPLE. try not to be so fancy. You don't have to do that to get a maximum score. If you do, you'll be truggling to find next fancy word one after one. And it gives harm to you the overall score.


My name is Tom. I'll drop by and am willing to give you some support once in a while.

Everybody good luck with the tips. 

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