
스피킹&오픽자유게시판 스피킹시험을 준비하는 해티즌들이 자유롭게 이야기를 나누는 게시판입니다.


3.8일 10:30분 시험인데 예측좀 해주세요ㅜㅜ 부탁드립니다

adf | 조회 2878 | 추천 3
  • 2015.03.11
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

3.8일 10:30에는 팟3빼고는 괜찮게 한거같은데 한번 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다

시험때 말한 내용이랑 99% 똑같아요 준비해간 템플릿이 대부분이고 끝나고 뭐말했는지 확인해와서요

몇점 정도 맞을수있을지 봐주세요ㅜㅜ!


팟1 무난한듯 잘못한거같기도하고... 중간에 좀 버벅임

팟2 계단사진

this is picture taken inside.

there are 4 people in this picture.

in the foreground picture, i can see a man who has short hair.

he is wearing a suit and he is walking under a stairs (여기서 under 전치사 잘못썼네요 down이라했어야했는데..)

in the middle of the picture, i can see a stair and there are 2 people.

one of them is a waman who has a ponytail. and she is wearing a shirt

one of them is a waman who has long hair.

they are talking to eachother.

maybe they are having a good time.


인물묘사하다가 사물묘사를 못했어요.. 중간에 계단있다는거 말곤 다른 사물은 표현못했네요


팟3은 holiday인데

4번문제는 country's day라고했는데 두문장 밖에 못말했어요ㅜ 엄청 버벅임

5번문제는 갑자기 birthday로 바껴서 가족들하고 보낸다고했고

6번은 뭔준비할거냐고해서 준비해놨던 템플릿으로 그냥 말했네요..

i will have a birthday party nextweek.

and i will prepare many food and manythings.

however i am a student

and i do a part time job to make money.

i get allowance from my parents.

as you can see, i dont have much money.

so i can not prepare many things.


팟4는 확실히 물어보는거 다 대답했어요!

물어보는거답하고 시간남았을때 keep in mind that. 이런 추가적인 대답도 했어요.


팟5 이건 제가 말한그대로 적어볼게요.

hello this is david.

i got your message saying that you are a president.

however there is a problem with a parking system.

so you'd like for me to help you out on this matter.

first of all, i am sorry to hear about the situation.

however i am happy to say that there is a way to help you out.

after looking into the situation, i came up with the following solutions.

first of all, i think it is a good idea to make regulation that is parking day.

it should be helpful for employee.

moreover, why dont you make a venue that everyone can park at

it should be helpful and effective.

these are my suggestions. if you need more help, feel free to call me back anytime. good luck bye.



팟6. 이것도 괜찮게 대답한거같은데 coworker 골랐고 제가 말한그대로 적어볼게요

i think it is better ~ 지문

there are several reasons to support my opinion.

most of all, it is more helpful for me.

for example, lastyear, i worked at ABCcompany. it was good company.

so i worked really hard.

however i was a new employee. so i didnt know what to do and how to work.

lukily, i had a good coworker, his name is tom.

he tought me many things

and he helped me.

i also helped him

thanks to him, i was able to learn many things. (여기서 좀 버벅였어요)

and i was able to work well.

not only is it effective but it is also helpful.

여기서 말하고 끊겼네요..


여기에 쓴그대로 시험장에서도 말했어요. 팟3을 망쳐서 너무 찜찜하네요ㅜ 한달동안 열심히 준비했는데...

이번 주말이 삼성 지원할수있는 마지막시험이라 한번 더 봐야할지 어떨지ㅜ 불안하네요..

이정도면 몇정도 받을까요?


스피킹&오픽 자유게시판
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