
스피킹&오픽자유게시판 스피킹시험을 준비하는 해티즌들이 자유롭게 이야기를 나누는 게시판입니다.


[7/26 토스] 해커스 Say Im 선생님의 총평!(영상추가 완료★)

스피킹 총평 | 조회 3409 | 추천 2
  • 2015.07.21
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소



안녕하세요해커스 어학원 에서 TOEIC Speaking 을 강의하고 있는,

Say now!! Say Im 선생님입니다.

지금부터, 2015 7 26 15 30분 시험에 대한 토스총평을 함께 하도록 하겠습니다.




파트 1- Read a text aloud



Q1. 광고 (난이도 )


open [빈출열려 있는 / ㅇ강조, 오우픈 으로 발음 ]

branch [빈출지사, 분점 / ran을 길게 읽음 ]

service [빈출서비스 / ser 길게, vice 짧게 읽음 / v 발음 주의 ]

district [빈출지구, 나눠 놓은 구역 (dis·trict) 2 음절 다 짧게 읽음 ]

quality [빈출, 고급 / 앞에 qua발음 강조 읽기 ]

ingredient [빈출재료, 구성 요소 / [ɪn|gri:diənt] gre 를 길게 읽음 ]

wonderful [빈출아주 멋진, 훌륭한 / won에 강세, 길게 발음 ]

beverage [빈출음료 / [|bevərɪdƷ] 베버리지 로 발음 ]

Recommend [빈출추천하다, rec·om·mend 3음절]

tomato soup grilled chicken meat spaghetti ↘  [나열 구조 억양 가산점]




Q2. 뉴스 (난이도 )


traffic [빈출차량들, 교통량 / ra를 길게 발음 / ffic 에서 f 발음 주의 ]

report [빈출알리다, 발표하다 / [rɪ|pɔ:rt]  port 길게 발음 ]

close down [빈출마감하다, 폐점 / [|kloʊzdaʊn] ]

sport stadium [빈출운동 경기장 / stadium 에서 a 에 강세 스테이디움 으로 발음 ]

heading north [빈출북쪽으로 향하는 / north 에서 nor 길게 발음 ]

interstate 7 [빈출 – 7번 주간(주와 주 사이의)도로 / interstate 전체적으로 짧게 발음 / seven v 발음 주의 ]

Spadina St. [빈출스파다이나 도로 (고유 명사) ]

Milton road [빈출밀튼 길 (고유 명사) / road에서 oa 길게 발음 ]

moving slowly [빈출천천히 움직이는 / mo low에 강세, 길게 읽음 ]

the Pearson airport , Mississauga, Oakville ↘[나열 구조 억양 가산점]



Special Point ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!


P and F 하나 잡아봅시다! ^0^

past[pæst] 과거의 / pact[pækt] 약속  / pool[pu;l] 수영장 / pair[p¡ÂR]

fast[fæst] 빠른 / fact[fækt] 사실 / full[ful] 가득 찬 / fair[f¡ÂR]박람회;공정한


KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용

 45초 준비 ->20초 읽기 + 25초 파악 및 어려운 부분 대비

천천히 또박또박 읽기주의! + 억양 살려 읽기

나열구조 및 주요강세체크


KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. 속도는?

2. 분위기는?

3. 중간에 실수하는 것?


KEY POINT 3 출제경향

공지문안내문광고문전화응답메시지 - 난이도 평이.






파트 2 Describe a picture





Part 2~3


1. 종류  실내 <난이도 - >

2. 준비시간 30초간 요점정리

[인트로] indoors

[인물묘사] sitting, holding, wearing, standing, talking to each other, presenting, sitting, meeting

[장소묘사] a vase of flowers, sofas, pictures

[결론느낌] pleasant afternoon, book signing event  


Sample Answer

[인트로] This photo was taken indoors. What I notice first is some people standing in a line, and waiting for their turns.

[인물묘사] On the right side, a woman who has black hair is sitting at the table, and she is holding a pen. And another woman who is wearing a pink cardigan is standing on the opposite side, and they are talking to each other. Since she is presenting a book to the woman sitting at the table, I guess it is a book signing event, and the author is meeting with her readers! On the right side, I see three people standing, one man is talking on the phone while waiting, and the other two are just looking at the author.

[장소묘사] Um, in the foreground, I see a vase of flowers on the table, and the sofas can be seen in the background. Plus, three pictures are hanging on the wall.

[결론느낌] Generally, it appears to be a pleasant afternoon; people are enjoying the book signing event.


Special Point ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!


인물묘사 테크닉

wearing / walking/ standing/ talking / seems to be/ sitting/ looking at



KEY POINT 1 준비시간 활용

30초 준비 -> 탬플 순서에 따른 아이디어 및 키워드정리

KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. 중간에 실수 하는것?

2. 말문이 막혔을 때

3. 주인공 단어 모를 때

KEY POINT 3 출제경향

인물 +야외도서관, 실내, 사무실길거리식당판매점-> 쉬운 빈출 항상레디!

유적지해변공사장부두, 도시 -> 지옥템 미리준비



파트 3 Respond to Questions




1. 주제– 쇼핑관련 주제  <난이도 중상>



The last time I went to the shoes store was 2 days ago, and I stayed there for about 10 minutes. I walked in and tried three shoes on, and I made a payment! The service was pretty quick.



Um, I am not sure. But I think I buy new shoes every season. For example, when the summer is coming, I buy a pair of flip flops. Oh, one more! If the store offers great discounts, I buy new shoes.



If the new shoes store is opened in my area, I would visit there once or twice a year.

It is because firstly, I am not a fashionable person and I am not very interested in the shoes. Also, we are facing an economic downturn, so I don’t want to spend too much money on buying shoes.

And as I mentioned, if the new season is coming or if the store offers great discounts, I would love to visit because I will get a chance to buy new shoes at a discounted price! For instance, I am waiting for the next sale, so I would buy a new pair of winter boots, because the one I have now is already worn out.



Special Point ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!

파트3 – 어려운 의문문 정리 5 


(1) how likely 그럴 (가능성이) 있니? 그럴꺼 같니?

(2) Which do you consider the most?  (어떤 것을 가장 많이 고려?)

(3) On which occasions (어떤 경우에~, 어떤 때에~ )

(4) If you could do ~ (만약 네가 ~할수있다면?)

(5) Would you recommend ~ (~을 제안해볼래?)



KEY POINT 1 준비시간 없음을 이겨내기

문제 보고 답변 바로 하는 노하우


KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. 순발력 기르기

2. 단어가 생각이 안날 때

3. 아이디어 기계 가 되는법


KEY POINT 3 출제경향

빈출   현재 삶과 관련 - 친구여가생활쇼핑음식가족공부활동, 물건, 여행, 교통, 사회활동

전자기기 [인터넷모바일폰, SNS, 카메라] + 과거 [초딩,중딩,대딩] = 불멸빈출




파트 4 Respond to Questions using information provided



유형 분석

1. 주제– “일정표”  <난이도 중>


2. 예문


Q7. First ()

The meeting will be held on 날짜 with 누구, and it is about 무엇


Q8. Deadline? ()

I am sorry, but you are mistaken. The last day to send a final copy of 00 is May 1st!


Q9. All? ()

There are two research sessions.

Firstly, we will conduct a consumer research on 무엇 from a to b (기간),

and another session is scheduled from a to b, and it is mainly focused on evaluating our advertisement.



Special Point ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!

– (일정표 공략 문제 기본 5종세트)

      When and where?

      First session?

      Can I leave early /or/ come late?

      Is this right? (yes or no)

      all sessions by 누구 / related to 무슨 토픽 / before or after




KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용

30초 준비 -> 표를 효과적으로 읽기


KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. 순발력 기르기

2. Quantity 가 아닌 Quality한 연습방법

3. 순간 말이 막힐 때


KEY POINT 3 출제경향


     면접 + 이력서




파트 5 Propose a solution (10)



1. 주제– “장사 관련 조언” <난이도 중상>

2. 진행바로보기


Template의 구조/활용:


도입부:  Hello M, this is Say, returning your call. How are you?

안녕하세요 M, 당신의 전화에 응답하는 누구 입니다.


문제점 확인: I just listened to your message and I understand that

방금 당신의 메시지를 듣고 문제점은 ~라고 이해했습니다.


Basic: You need my help. [no!no!]

(LEVEL 7) Intermediate: You are looking for a way to make some space for the new summer clothes. Because the store is fully filled with the inventory from spring season (LEVEL 7)

Advanced: You are looking for a way to make some space for the new summer clothes, because the store is fully filled with the inventory from spring season, and it takes up too much of the store space!


+ Oh I don’t think it is a hard issue

I will give you some tips! <메모!>

해결책을 제시하는 연결문장으로: So I suggest I will… 나는 ~을 제안/제시/권합니다.


Basic: I know a person who is an expert in this field, he can help you (회피)

(LEVEL 7) Intermediate: Why don’t you start a clearance sale to get rid of the spring inventory? I am sure that people do not want to see old products in the store.

My second suggestion is that actually there is very little storage space in our store; we can put some nice-looking shelves in the space between the clothes racks and the walls.

(LEVEL 8) Advanced: Why don’t you start a clearance sale to get rid of the spring inventory? I am sure that people do not want to see old products in the store, and it would bring a negative impact on our future business. Through the big sale, you will be able to make some profits, and move on to the next season!

My second suggestion is that actually there is very little storage space in our store, so we can put some nice-looking shelves in the space between the clothes racks and the walls. We should make good use of the available space.


I guess this is pretty good enough.

이정도면 충분하다고 생각해요.


끝인사 :

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and let’s meet up soon.

만약 질문이 있다면 연락 주세요. 곧 만나요.


KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용

30초 준비 -> “문제인식” 내용 및 정확한 문장정리

KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. LC 능력 기르기

2. 간략한 만점 직행 답안 만들기!

3. 순간 말이 막힐 때!

KEY POINT 3 출제경향

     시설관리관련 [주차장부족인력부족건물시설관리미흡관련이슈]

     회사생활 [업무대행 및 도움스케줄조정직원들에게알림, 상주기, 예산]

     기타빈출 [장사관련조언트레이닝불만해결홍보행사아이디어기기파손해결]



Special Point ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!

**광고하기 관련 조언 해결책 종류 참고하기!


– (단순) 광고하는 방법을 찾는다 -> 온라인 광고/ 전단지 배부/ 세일

– (당황) 광고하는 방법을 찾는다 그러나! TV 나 온라인광고 하고싶지않다 -> 세일/ 특별한 상품 준비/ 플래그 스토어 이벤트

– () 광고가 안통한다작은 마켓에서 -> 다양한 물건 공급/ 온라인 스토어 동시운영






파트 6 Express an opinion (11)





1. <난이도 상 @.@>

2. 진행바로보기


When hiring a new employee, the most important factor to consider is the communication skills.

There are some reasons why I think so.

Firstly, the new employee would confront many problems, and they can be addressed through communication with his colleagues. Because he can get some help from other people or from other sources. If he doesnt hesitate to talk about his problems and opinions freely, communication would increase his level of satisfaction with his job.

Well, the leadership potential is not an important factor, because no one is born with leadership. A persons leadership can be improved by experiencing many types of work, and by going through a lot of hardships.

In addition to this, the company shouldnt look for a person with great organizational skills. Because the new employee shouldnt pursue his own working style. He should be trained in a way that the company has already established!

For these reasons, I strongly believe that communication skill is the key to the success.



Special Point ** <지난 총평 파트6 참고> ** 토스 공부하면 다 나옵니다!

I agree that the most important quality of a leader is good 00 skills for a couple of reasons. 

First of all, I think it is important that a good leader is able to solve problems. And the problems can be solved through communication easily, because he can get valuable ideas from employees, or from other sources.

To be specific, even a leader who is really skillful at his work does not always know how to solve problems, especially when dealing with the business partners, so he cannot do his job successfully. A good leader must be able to work with other people, and that will benefit everyone. 

Secondly, a good leader who has good communication skill usually has an attractive personality, and if so, his employees would follow him more, and wouldn’t hesitate to express their opinions freely; it increases the level of satisfaction with their job. For example, my coach is funny, friendly, and kind to the players on my soccer team. Because of that, I respect him and listen carefully to what he has to say.  

For these reasons, I strongly believe that the 00 trumps all!



KEY POINT 1 준비시간 활용

15초 준비 -> 마음의 준비?


KEY POINT 2 노하우 

1. 아이디어전개  자신만의 노하우 준비

2. For example + On top of that 예시 장전 발사!


KEY POINT 3 출제경향

<주의 : 다양한 SPECTRUM>

①     단골토픽 – Internet, SNS, Children, Group, Working, Education, Company life, Hobby, Travel, Business.

②     지옥토픽 – Environment, Society, Health, Behavior, Culture

     3가지 중 가장 ~~한 것 1 <노하우 : 나머지2개 반박>



수고 하셨습니다 !

~ SAY NOW! Say Im ~




* 참고

토익스피킹이란? (개요 및 특징 보러가기)



토익스피킹 수강신청하러가기



토스, 한방에 끝내기!



실전 토익스피킹 학습하기



토스점수, 토익스피킹점수, 토스독학, 토익스피킹독학, 토스시험, 토익스피킹시험, 토스레벨, 토익스피킹레벨
스피킹&오픽 자유게시판
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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19431 토스 6이 목표입니다. 토익스타트로 인강들으면 괜찮을까요? [4] 토스6목표 2086
19430 슬프네요 10점 모지라네요.. [4] 슬프네요 2822
19429 토스 레벨5................ [3] 토스멘붕 2792
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19427 답글 ZZNZUxOcCvIMxKl Mark 1512
19426 웹사이트 주소에서 - 는 어떻게 읽나요? [3] 우후훗 2047
19425 인강 신청할려고 하는데... [4] 제라신 2077
19424 토스7(턱걸이) vs 오픽 iH , 경험자분들의 의견 받아봐요!! [6] 나다 2807
19423 토스 6목표인 학생입니다. [6] 양치기 2324
19422 급해요.!! 완전 쌩초보 오픽 토스 어떤게 좋을까요? [3] 그후로 오랫동안 2828
19421 2월에 치고 토스 또 하려고하는데요 [3] 이월 2267
19420 팟5 이렇게답하면 맞는걸까요? [2] 토스 2364
19419 팟6 문제 뭐였죠 [4] ㅇㅇ 2289
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19417 팟4문제들...무엇이였나요? [8] 토스 2334
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19415 토스 오늘 난이도 어땠나요? [2] 토스 2421
19414 토스 공부 어떻게 하세요? 7 받고싶은데 [3] 나다 2320
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19411 ;오픽 보통 지방에서 치면 교실에 몇명?? [3] ㅇㅇ 2741
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19409 스피킹 교재 온라인 구매 [4] 바나나 2113
19408 7월 26일 6번 문제 [3] 미라 2500

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

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토익스피킹 점수예측풀서비스

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