
스터디모집 게시판 자신에게 딱 맞는 스터디를 찾거나 모집하는 게시판입니다.


[강남Tue] Reading+Discussion & Speech

Good Friends | 조회 508 | 추천 0
  • 2015.11.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Reading + Discussion & 5 minute Speech


We are looking for a new member who wants to practice English by reading and delivering a short speech.


The followings are details of the study.


1. Materials : Free topics 

                   (usually coming from The Economist, The New York Times, The Huffing Post, etc.) 


2. Procedure :

+ 1st session (Reading Materials and Discussion) 20:00-21:30 : 

Read articles together and talk about them. Usually cover up three to four topics a week.

The main reason of focusing on reading is to broaden our knowledge by reading as many articles as we can and practice expressing our own ideas or opinions on the issues in English 

The more know about a certain topic, the more likely to talk we are.

+ 2nd session (5 minutes speech) 21:30-22:00 : 

Every single member delivers a short speech in front of other members.

Any topic would be alright. 

We expect to improve formal speech techniques through a repetitive drill.


3. Location : The Study room near by Gang-Nam station


4. Time : Every Tuesday evening (20:00 ~ 22:00)


5. Cost : Monthly 10,000 Won per a person. (4 times / a month)


We talk only in English during the study session so that a certain level of English is required. For the reason, there will be a short English interview on the phone to see if you are a beginner or not. From our experience, it is pretty hard for a beginner to follow the study. Please understand this.

But do not need to feel burden too much. It would be enough to study together if you can express your own ideas on a certain issue in English. On top of that, it would be perfect if you want to broaden your knowledge by using English.


Please e-mail me if you have an interest, and then I will reply as soon as I check. (rimand@hanmail.net

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[스터디 검색] 내가 원하는 지역, 시간대 등의 스터디를 찾아보세요!
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※ 상세지역은 최대 3곳까지 선택 가능합니다.
스터디모집 게시판
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