

My ex's birthday

Loon | 조회 2391 | 추천 3
  • 2019.06.24
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Today is my ex's birthday. 
I wish I could send a wish for him, but he broke up with me and wanted to have a space from me. 
We dated for many years and I thought we could move forward. Settling down was only my dream. 
The more I attached to him, the more he pushed me away,
I decided to let him go although my heart was broken. 
I want him to be happy in his life. 
Unforgettable memories with him make my mind shatter. 
We tried to rekindle after he left, however, the conclusion was always unchangeable.
It is so painful to let someone go when you are deeply in love with the person. 
Today, I wish him a happy birthday here anonymously.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16462 Lim's second diary [1] Lim 1905
16461 Lim's first diary. [1] Lim 1927
16460 first daily !! [1] penguin 1898
16459 today [2] seohyeonsue 2246
16458 It is my first time to write diary in En... 커니박야바 2281
16457 what a living in a life HAH 2001
16456 today [3] 서현수 2213
16455 Blackface Mr. X 2489
16454 Shine brilliant sun [1] ㄱㅂㄱ 2375
16453 seohyeonsue [4] 서현수 2542
16452 english [1] 왕초보 2457
16451 hello [1] 영어왕초보 2264
16450 today seohyeonsue 2443
16449 hi everyone~ [4] SteaveLim 2566
16448 movie [2] 빡세 2558
16447 Ignorance or Arrogance? Mr. X 2366
16446 appearance [1] 빡세 2229
16445 Disappointing Mr. X 2179
16444 anything 빡세 2081
16443 running 빡세 2173

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