

이정도 작문은 요즘 초등학생 수준인가요?

Woohoo | 조회 352 | 추천 0
  • 2013.10.05
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Three things that I want to do before I die.

People tend to consider about what kind of life they are leading and how they can make it a little bit more worthwhile. Me, I am not an exception. Sometimes, I think about how will the world change after I die, However, I realize nothing much is going to change except for the fact that my family and my friends will mourn my death and that I will regret alot about all the desired things that I haven’t fulfilled yet.


Thus, I concluded that the first thing I am supposed to and willing to do before I die is to make people I cherish smile, laugh and happy. My family in particular, they generously and unconditionally devoted their entire life to supporting me. I really want to give each of them the best memories of me. For my dad, I have always been such a great daughter. No matter what I do, he’s been on my side and proud of his daughters all the time, which kind of makes me feel ashamed, because I don’t think that I did anything that makes him feel that way. However short life is left for me, I’ll make as much efforts as I can to get into one of the reputable enterprises, just for him, not for my fame or anything. And for my mom, I’ve never prepared a meal for her before on my own. I must admit that I am a bad cook, but I’ll try so hard to offer her the best fancy dinner that she can ever have. Lastly, my little sister, the only soulmate of mine. I am going to give her all that I’ve gained so far.  I think it accounts for everything. And finally, on the last day of my life, I will tell each of them how lucky I am to have family like them, how much I love them and they are the best people I can ever meet in the whole universe.


Secondly, I believe life is mainly about making our dreams come true and helping others. One of my dreams, which is probably the biggest one is exploring the whole world! Just imagining it even makes me absolutely excited. I want to behold those fresh and new worlds so badly. After that, I want to volunteer in such places like an animal shelter, a nursing home or even Africa!

While writing this essay, a song “Live like we’re dying” occurred to me. Why do we rather just think about those things than carrying them out in actual? People tend to take chances for granted. Me, I am not the exception. I guess I’ll deliberate on what I’m able to do when I have precious opportunies.

문법, 어휘나 이런게 요즘 초등학생 수준인가요..?

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