

영어공부도 하실 겸 파트 7분도 하실겸 그리고 도와주세요 ㅠㅜ

... | 조회 494 | 추천 0
  • 2007.05.09
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

해석좀 부탁드립니다. 불쌍한 아이좀 구해주세요..

영어 실력도 함 확인하시고요

Developing Asia’s foreign exchange reserves rose by $417.6 billion during 2006 to $2.28 trillion, according to preliminary data (box table). The advance was much larger than the $250.7 billion seen in 2005 and represented a return to the pattern of steadily increasing large annual gains made by the region since 2001 (Box figure 1).
The rebound in accumulation in 2006 was mainly due to recovery from anemic increases in 2005 by some large reserve holders such as Hong Kong, China; India; Korea; and Singapore, as well as solid gains made by Kazakhstan, Malaysia, and Thailand. All countries but one appear to have increased their foreign exchange holdings in 2006.
The larger increase in reserves of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 2006 reflected a strengthening in its current account surplus during the year. At $1.066 trillion, the PRC accounted for about 47% of developing Asia’s stock of foreign exchange reserves at end-2006, up from 27% at end-2001, accumulating about 57% of the region’s increase in reserves over this period (versus 59% in 2006).
Box figure 2 indicates that the region’s share in the United States (US) merchandise trade deficit, which has been relatively stable since 2000, increased at a faster pace in 2006. The trade deficit with developing Asia amounted to $323.9 billion, or 39.6% of the total trade deficit ($818.1 billion), up by 1.8 percentage points from 2005.
In East Asia, the PRC accounted for $232.5 billion, or 28.4% of the US deficit, up by 2.1percentage points, while the share of other countries fell by 0.5 percentage points, to produce a net 1.6 percentage point increase for East Asia. A deeper US trade deficit with Southeast Asia accounted for the balance of 2006’s increase.
The PRC’s gain in share of the US deficits since 2000 reflects both the country’s development as the lowest-cost producer of many goods, and the growth of specialization and intraregional trade, which features exports of components and supplies to the PRC for assembly into goods for export.

해티즌 자유수다
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