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영어 고수님들 ~보시구 영어 수준좀 알려주세요ㅠㅠ

| 조회 291 | 추천 0
  • 2010.02.05
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

대학 편입 문제인데요 -문제 유형이 거의 이런식으로 나온다네요 ...ㅠㅠ


전 영어에 기본이 없어서, 이 문제가 어느 수준이고 어떤 교과서로 공부해야될지 잘 모르겠습니다.

보시구 의견좀 내주세요~!! ㅠㅠ 어떤 교과서로 공부해야 될까요?


[문장구조 및 문법] 5-2 점

I. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적당한 표현을 골라 그 번호를 답지에 쓰시오.

1. Caves and hollow trees are not the only places _____________________.

(A) where do bats live (B) bats live where

(C) where bats live (D) live where bats


[독해] 10-4점

II. 다음의 글을 읽고 그 아래 제시된 문제에 대한 가장 적당한 답을 골라 답지에 그 번호를 쓰시오.

A tribe of Plains Indians, the Assiniboins, had the distinction of hunting on foot.

During the winter months the hunters wore snowshoes to chase the buffalo onto the deep snow, where the animals were easily killed. The Assiniboins were thrifty people who utilized all of their dead prey: the meat was their food: their clothing came from the hides: their tools and weapons came from the bones and horns.

Once the other parts had been disposed of, the children used the buffalo's ribs as sleds.

2. According to the passage, what was unusual about the Assiniboins Indians?

(A) they were a tribe of Plains Indians.

(B) They were casual hunters.

(C) They did not hunt on horseback.

(D) They did not kill buffalo in warm weather.

3. The passage indicates that the Indians chased the buffalo into deep snow so that the buffalo could NOT

(A) escape easily.

(B) destroy.

(C) frighten their children .

(D) disturb other animals.


[문장 다시 쓰기] 5-5점

III. 다음의 글을 읽고 그 아래 제시된 문제에 대한 가장 적당한 답을 골라 답지에 그 번호를 쓰시오.

Camouflage is one of the most effective ways for animals to avoid attack in the treeless Arctic. However, the summer and winter landscapes there are so diverse that a single protective coloring scheme would, of course, prove ineffective in one season or the other. Thus, many of the inhabitants of the Arctic tundra change their camouflage twice a year.

4. 윗글의 밑줄 친 문장이 담고 있는 핵심정보를 가장 잘 표현하고 있는 문장을 고르시오.

(A) Opposite conditions in summer and in winter necessitate different protective coloration for Arctic animals.

(B) The coloration of the summer and winter landscapes in the Arctic fails to protect the Arctic tundra.

(C) In a single season, protective coloring schemes are ineffective in the treeless Arctic.

(D) For many animals, a single protective coloring scheme effectively protects them during summer and winter months.


문장의 논리적 순서 정하기]5-5점

IV. 다음의 글을 읽고 그 아래 제시된 문제에 대한 가장 적당한 답을 골라 답지에 그 번호를 쓰시오.

In North America, several species of birds migrate excessive distances south to avoid inhospitable conditions brought about by climatic fluctuations. ■They return home precisely every spring because the route and means are genetically programmed. ■ Others, most notably Canadian geese, lack this advantage. ■ Therefore, they must first memorize the route by imitating their parents. ■

5. 아래 보기의 문장을 윗글의 네모상자 [■]에 위치시킬 때 가장 자연스런 네모상자 위치를 고르시오.

(보기) Most are able to make the round trip instinctively.

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