

책을읽다가 해석이 안되는데.. 도와주세요

오뎅 | 조회 434 | 추천 0
  • 2010.03.30
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Hamilton had shown his hand before he wrote down these qualifying words.

His collage "Just what is it that makes today's homes so different?, so appealing?" was laid out as a poster announcing an art show in 1956. the collage consisted of crowded and competing images from advertisements, for products ranging from vacuum cleaner to body builder (or vice versa), in an attempt to demonstrate that art - hitherto generally considered as set apart from the clutter of everyday life - now found its subject matter in the advertisements for ever-proliferating consumer products.

while indications of the fusion - or confusion - of art subjects can be found earlier on, most notoriously in the French artist Marcel Duchamp's 1917 sculpture Fountain, which was actually a urinal, the embrace of no-the-shelf products as sources of still- life art became widespread only after World War 2, just at the time advertising agents enthusiastically turned to graphic design and color photography. Unquestionably the most celebrated practitioner of such pop art was the American Andy Warhol, famous for his painting of Campbell Soup Company cans and his multiple silkscreen renditions of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis presley, Warhol, who called his place of work a factory not a studio, rhapsodized that "good business is the best art." he died a wealthy man.

whatever credence the old expression "art for art's sake" may have had, it certainly was discounted in this turbulent pop-art environment. Is was also overturned in academic analysis. Scholars seeking to understand the new phenomenon of globalization, extending beyond the regionalism and internationalization of the previous exchange of goods and services, frequently declared it to be a conflation of economics and culture. Analyzing the various approaches to globalization, Fredric Jameson, a noted literary critic and culture analyst, wrote that in one sense "it means the exports and import of culture.". To many, then, culture was treated as a commodity, marketable and susceptible to global distribution. CDs and now DVDs allow the global sales of music, films and television show Fast-food outlets and soft drinks have changed global geography and have universalized certain tastes. There is no denying that popular culture is within easy reach in the form of an ever-expanding number of consumer products.


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