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텝스 10문제 및 어휘

자료걸 | 조회 4143 | 추천 7
  • 2008.07.02
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

텝스 10문제 및 어휘


1. get nowhere 아무런 효과가 없다; 잘 안되다 / get somewhere 효과가 있다; 성공하다
2. have something to do with …와 관련이 있다 / have nothing to do with …와 관계가 없다
3. I can't thank you enough. / How can I ever thank you?너무 감사해서 몸둘 바를 모르겠습니다.
4. How can I ever repay you? / What can I do to pay you back? / I don't know how to thank you. 이 은혜를 어떻게 보답해야 할지 모르겠군요.
5. He's out of this world. / He's one of a kind. 세상에 그분 같은 사람은 없을 거예요.
6. He's well-built. / He has a nice physique. / He has a great body.그는 체격이 참 좋습니다.
7. to the point 적절한; 요령 있는 / beside the point 핵심을 벗어난
8. be a pain / be in the neck 아주 성가시다, 골칫거리다
9. be fed up with (sb/sth) …에 싫증나다, …이 지겹다
10. go easy on[with] sb/sth …을 적당히 사용하다; …에게 관대하게 대하다

1. A : Be careful! That truck almost hit you. Stay out of the road.
B : You're right. That was a -------- call.
(a) close (b) dangerous
(c) worried (d) near
정답 a
해설 close call 위기일발
have a close call 위기일발로 살아남다 by a close call 위기일발로

2. A : You're late again, Fred. That's twice this week.
B : I'm very sorry. The -------- traffic delayed me.
(a) crowded (b) packed
(c) cramped (d) heavy
정답 d
heavy traffic 극심한 교통량
crowded 북적거리는 packed 만원인 cramped 비좁은, 경련이 일어나는
delay 지연시키다

3. A : So, did your parents kill you for failing physics?
B : I studied really hard and passed the final. It was a -------- escape.
(a) close (b) tight
(c) narrow (d) thin
정답 c
narrow escape 구사일생
have a narrow escape 구사일생하다
tight 타이트한 fail 낙제하다 physics 물리학 study hard = study like crazy 열심히 공부하다 pass the final 기말고사를 통과하다

4. A : How much is it going to be to fix the bumper?
B : A ------- guess would be around $300.
(a) rough (b) approximate
(c) close (d) general
정답 a
guess와 어울리는 형용사는 rough이다.
rough guess/estimate 어림셈, 대략적 견적 approximate cost 대략의 비용

5. A : Make sure that you don't drive if you're tired.
B : It's OK. I'm --------- awake. I had a nap earlier.
(a) awfully (b) wide
(c) wholly (d) almost
정답 b
wide awake 완전히 잠이 깬 wide open 활짝 열려있는
awfully 아주, 무척 nap 낮잠

A : Mr. Miller is the best professor ____________ .
B : Is he? Well, I was a little disappointed with his geology class last semester.
(a) I ever have
(b) I had ever had
(c) I would ever have
(d) I've ever had
정답 d
최상급 the best 뒤에 오는 표현
the 최상급 + in 장소/단체
+ of/among 복수명사
+ 주어 have ever p.p
따라서 I've ever had 가 정답이다.
disappointed 실망한 geology 지리학 semester 학기

A : What's the matter with you? You look so worn out.
B : I couldn't get a sleep almost two days in a row -------- for my calculus exam this morning.
(a) crammed
(b) cramming
(c) cram
(d) to have crammed
정답 b
cram 벼락치기하다 앞 문장이 완전하기 때문에 빈칸에 들어가는 것은 능동을 나타내는 현재분사 cramming이 정답
get a sleep 잠을 자다 worn out 지친 in a row 연속해서 calculus 미적분학

A : Does the name Jon Hamilton ring a bell to you?
B : Sure, I've know him since I ___________ a little kid.
(a) am
(b) was
(c) were
(d) have been
정답 b
since이하 시제는 과거시제를 나타낸다.
since +전치사/부사/주어+과거시제 동사, 주어+현재완료(have+p.p)
ring a bell 생각나게 하다

(a) A: Have you recently taken good care of your backyard?
(b) B: I've been trying to, but the lawn needs to mow.
(c) A: My gardener takes excellent care of the lawn.
(d) B: Really? Can you tell me what his hourly rate is and when he is available?
정답 b
need이하가 수동을 의미하는 경우 : need+Ving/to be p.p
따라서 need mowing/need to be mowed

take good care of 잘 관리하다 lawn 잔디 mow 깎다 gardener 정원사 hourly rate 시간당 요금
available 이용가능한, 구입가능한

A recently developed industrial complex in southern part of the country is a mixed blessing to its residents. These factories have created many jobs, and the city has been enjoying prosperity as a consequence. The population has also significantly increased. On the other hand, water contamination and air pollution have become a real nuisance. It has been reported that many citizens suffer from respiratory diseases and even deformed children have been born.
Q. What can be inferred from the passage?
(a) Factories will be relocated to more remote areas.
(b) The merits of having factories outweighed the disadvantages.
(c) Factory construction has resulted in environmental problems.
(d) All of its residents are against building industrial complex.
정답 c
문장 중간에 On the other hand/However/But 등이 나오는 경우는 앞 문장이 핵심이 아닌 뒤 문장이 주요 포인트가 된다. water contamination/air pollution이 제기 되기 때문에 c가 정답이다.
industrial complex 산업단지 blessing 축복 resident 거주민 prosperity 번영 as a consequence 결과로서
contamination 오염 air pollution 공기 오염 nuisance 골칫거리, 짜증 respiratory 호흡기의 deformed children 기형아


텝스 10문제 및 어휘

텝스정답, 텝스답, 텝스가채점, 텝스만점,텝스점수, 텝스점수계산, 텝스시험, 11월4일텝스정답
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84 [독해/어휘] 텝스어휘-구어체 첨부파일 [1] 주주 4792
83 [청해] 텝스(teps) 청해 기본표현 [1] 토토 4381
82 [독해/어휘] teps 문법,어휘 리딩한세트 첨부파일 [1] 요리보고 4274
81 [기타] 이거 한번 풀어보세요^^ [1] ㅎㅎ 3791
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