
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.


텝스 대비문제 총 100문제 -2

오오 | 조회 4402 | 추천 1
  • 2008.07.17
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

아래글 정답






























































2-Part ⅠQuestions 1~8

Choose the best answer for the blank.

1. A : This heat is really bad, isn't it?

  B : It sure is. I'm going for a swim _____________ work.

(a) until I get off

(b) Until I will get off

(c) as soon as I get off

(d) as soon as I will get off

2. A : What _____________ Susan call for?

   B : She wants our new address before she leaves on             her trip.

(a) does       (b) did       (c) will       (d) would

3. A : How was the party last Saturday?

   B: Oh, I couldn't believe it!

       Nobody expected that Garcia ____________ to the             party, but he did.

  (a) came

  (b) will come

  (c) was coming

  (d) would come

4. A : Why are you putting on those old clothes?

   B : _____________ the kitchen.

(a) I paint

(b) I painted

(c) I'm going to paint

(d) I have painted

5. A : I was told that you _____________ the company in the         summer.

  B : That's right. I've taken a new job.

(a) will be left

(b) are leaving

(c) has been leaving

(d) had left

6. A : What does the word "coincidence" mean?

  B : That's funny. I ______________ you the same thing.

(a) was due to ask

(b) was about to ask

(c) was being asked

(d) have just been asked

7. A : What college _____________ ,Carol?

   B : I'm not a college student. I work in a grocery store.

(a) are you going to go to

(b) have you been in

(c) do you go to

(d) did you go to

8. A : John's proposal is complicated, but it should work.

  B :  Go ahead with it then,

          as long as everyone _____________ the details.

(a) is understanding

(b) will understand

(c) understand

(d) understands

Part Ⅱ Questions 9~16

Choose the best answer for the blank.

9. You _____________ me that I would be given an assistant     to help with the research.

(a) promise

(b) promised

(c) are promising

(d) will promise

10. Stock prices will skyrocket when news of the merge         _______________ out.

(a) will get

(b) gets

(c) could get

(d) would get

11. The deadline is 5:00 this afternoon, so ______________       get down to work?

(a) don't we

(b) do we

(c) shall we

(d) won't we

12. In ten years, that restaurant _____________ entering its       100th year in the service industry.

(a) will be

(b) has been

(c) would be

(d) can be

13. Our next shipment ______________ within one week.

(a) is about to arrive

(b) has arrive

(c) will come to arrive

(d) is due to arrive

14. According to the press release, the second annual            awards ceremony ______________ here next month.

(a) holds

(b) is held

(c) is to hold

(d) is to be held

15. Eric usually goes out to eat on Fridays. Next Friday,        however, he ______________ at home.

(a) cooks

(b) is cooking

(c) has been cooking

(d) cooked

16. She hopes she will profit enough from he stock               investments to be able to retire by the time she             _____________ forty-five.

(a) will be

(b) is

(c) can be

(d) be

Part Ⅲ Questions 17~18

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