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텝스 문법 자료 - 텝스 2일차 . 형용사/부사

텝짱 | 조회 6025 | 추천 3
  • 2008.08.01
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

텝스 문법 자료 - 텝스 2일차 . 형용사/부사


__________부분에 들어갈 항목을 고르시오.

1. A : Do you know which building offers free parking to visitors?

    B : Yes, it’s the __________ one on your right.

   (a) old gray brick (b) gray brick old (c) brick old gray (d) old brick gray

2. The newly built house was adorned with flamboyant scrollworks, ___________ the previous

    one torn down ten years ago.

   (a) very like (b) much like (c) very likely (d) much likely

3. A : Henry, how was your fishing trip?

    B : We __________ any fish this time.

   (a) didn’t hardly catch (b) hardly caught (c) hardly not caught (d) hardly didn’t catch

4. A : George, are you hesitating to propose to Sue?

    B : The problem is, she doesn’t seem _________ to buy a mansion for us.

   (a) enough wealthy (b) enough wealthily (c) wealthily enough (d) wealthy enough

5. This story organized the images of white men and Indians ________ satisfy the Americans.

   (a) in a way such as to (b) in a way that (c) in such a way as to (d) in such a way as to

6. A : Do you know when Jane will visit us?

    B : Yes, she’s coming _________.

   (a) next week (b) for next week (c) in next week (d) till next week

7. Not many children realize __________ parents play in their lives.

   (a) how significant role (b) how a significant role

   (c) how significant a role (d) how a role significant

8. It’s _________ disappointing to know that he lied to me.

   (a) very (b) much (c) very much (d) so much

9. It was _________ that we spent the whole day on the beach.

   (a) such a lovely weather (b) so lovely weather

   (c) such lovely weather (d) so lovely a weather

10. Steve is very fit. He’s just run five miles and he’s __________.

     (a) even not out of breath (b) not even out of breath

     (c) not out of breath even little (d) not out of even a little breath

11. A : May I help you?

     B : I’m looking for a copy of the New York Times. Can I __________ here?

     (a) pick up it (b) pick it up (c) pick up them (d) pick them up

12. It was ___________ that everybody was deeply shocked.

    (a) an accident terrible so (b) so a terrible accident

    (c) terrible an accident so (d) so terrible an accident

틀린 항목을 고르시오.

13. (a) A : Have you had ever any accidents before?

     (b) B : No, though last year a snake bit me on the ankle.

     (c) A : Wouldn’t you call that an accident?

     (d) B : Yes, I guess so.

14. (a) A : Hey, Tony, what did you think of your partner?

     (b) B : I felt miserable that she turned out to be my partner when there were such many

               gorgeous girls there.

     (c) A : What in the world do you mean by that?

     (d) B : Actually, I felt attracted to another girl.

15. (a) Until the age of ten, Howard Stone had been in and out of foster house. (b) He was in

      one of those foster homes where he met Craig Vaughn, who temporary adopted him. (c)

      However, Howard’s mother refused to give him up a year later, and the case went to

      court. (d) There, Howard was faced with the decision to choose who would take

      permanent legal custody of him.






1. (a) => 형용사를 여러개 쓰고자 할 때는 일정한 순서가 있다. 지시-수량-대소-성상-신구-

             재료 의 순서를 기억하자. 따라서 gray (성상) - old(신구) - brick (재료)의 순서가 맞


2. (b) => the previous one을 목적어로 받는 전치사 like가 필요하고 그 전치사구를 수식하는

             부사 much를 전치사구 앞에 두어야 한다.

3. (b) => hardly는 "거의 - 않다"의 부정부사로서 위치는 빈도부사 위치(be 동사, 조동사 뒤/

             일반동사 앞)에 둔다.

4. (d) => enough가 형용사나 부사를 수식할 때는 반드시 뒤에서 수식한다.

5. (c) => in a way (어떤 방식으로) 와 "such a(n) 형용사 명사 as" 를 결합한 것이고, 빈 칸뒤

             에 satisfy가 동사원형이므로 완전한 절이 와야하는 that이 아닌 to 부정사로 연결되

             는 to가 있는 (c)가 정답이다.

6. (a) => "다음주에"라고 할 때는 전치사 없이 바로 next week이다. (this week, last week도

             마찬가지) in a week (일주일 후에), for a week (일주일 동안), till next week (다음

             주 까지)

7. (c) => how는 so 처럼, "how + 형용사 [+ a(n) +명사]"의 어순을 취한다.

8. (a) => -ing 형용사, 즉 현재분사는 very로 수식한다.

9. (c) => such 의 어순을 받는데 weather가 불가산 명사이므로 a는 뺀다.

10. (b) => out of breath(숨이 찬)이란 숙어와 not even(-조차 아닌)이 결합된 형태..

11. (b) => pick up 처럼 타동사와 부사가 만나 이루어진 이어동사(two-word verb)에서는 대명

              사 목적어를 받을 때 반드시 가운데 넣어서 받는다.

12. (d) => so의 어순을 묻는 문제이다.

13. (a) => had ever -> ever had로 고침(ever는 역시 빈도부사위치여야 한다.)

14. (b) => such -> so 로 고침(보통, "such + [a(n) + 형용사] + 명사" 이거나 "so + 형용사 [+

              a(n) + 명사]"의 어순이어야 하는데 "many + 명사" 또는 "much + 명사"일 때는 so 로


15. (b) => temporary -> temporarily(temporary는 형용사인데 지금 들어가 있는 위치가 주격관

              계대명사와 동사 사이, 즉 부사 자리이다.)

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