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해커스인강, 해커스텝스, 해커스텝스인강, 텝스인강, 텝스강의, 텝스인강환급

혼동 형용사 정리

추추 | 조회 11099 | 추천 2
  • 2008.07.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

1) beneficial (to): 유익한 (=useful)

A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.

2) beneficent: 인정 많은 (=benevolent)
a beneficent aunt

3) considerable: 중요한, 상당한 (=significant)
The fire caused considerable damage to the church.

4) considerate: 신중한, 사려 깊은
It wasn’t very considerate of you to drink all the milk.

5) considering: (전치사/접속사) ~ 고려하면 
Her figure is wonderful considering (that) she eats so much chocolate.

6) economic: 경제의
The country has been in a very poor economic state.

7) economical: 경제적인, 절약하는
She’s very economical – saving money seems to come naturally to her.

8) favorite: 마음에 드는, 좋아하는
What’s your favorite color?

9) favorable: 유리한, 호의적인
She made a favorable impression on me (=I liked her) when I first met her.

10) historic: 역사적인, 역사적으로 유명한
In a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to become priests.

11) historical: 역사를 다루는, 역사에 바탕을
Many import!ant historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.

12) imaginable: 상상할 있는 (=thinkable)
Using computer graphics, you can create anything imaginable.

13) imaginative: 상상력이 풍부한
The architects have made imaginative use of glass.

14) imaginary: 가공의, 공상의 (=dreamy)
imaginary fears

15) intelligible: 알기 쉬운, 명료한
She was so upset that what she said was hardly intelligible.

16) intelligent: 총명한
I didn’t get the impression that he was very intelligent.

17) intellectual: (사람이) 지적인
I like detective stories and romances – nothing too intellectual.

18) luxurious: 사치스런 (=extravagant)

They live in a very luxurious house.

19) luxuriant: 다산의, 기름진 (=prolific, fertile)
Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the riverbank.

20) momentary: 순간의 (=of the moment)
a momentary hesitation

21) momentous: 중요한 (=of moment)
Christopher Columbus’s momentous discovery

22) popular: 인기 있는, 대중의, 유행하는
Walking is the most popular form of exercise in Britain.

23) populous: 사람이(인구가) 많은
China is the world’s most populous country.

24) regretful: 후회하는, 뉘우치는
a regretful glance / smile / goodbye

25) regrettable: 유감스러운 (=unfortunate)
We feel it is regrettable that the government refuses to listen to our ideas on road safety.

26) respectable: 존경할만한
She is a respectable young woman from a good family.

27) respectful: 존경심 있는, 공손한 (=deferential)
He taught his children to be respectful of other cultures.

28) respective: 각각의, 각자의
Neil and Lisa returned to their respective homes.

29) respected: 존경을 받고 있는
She is highly respected politician.

30) respecting: (전치사) ~ 관하여 (=concerning)

31) sensitive: 민감한, 감수성이 예민한
We are sensitive to the needs and expectations of our customers.

32) sensible: 지각 있는, 분별력 있는
He didn’t appear to be sensible of the difficulties.

33) sensual: 관능적인, 육감적인
A woman with a sensual voice answered the phone.

34) special: 특별한
He is a special correspondent for the Washington Post.

35) specific: 구체적인, 특수한, 특정한
The money is intended to be used for specific purposes.

36) successive: 연속적인
Last month the Democrats won their third successive election victory.

37) successful: 성공적인
She runs a very successful computer business.

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