
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.


TEPS 대화문청취필수표현

토끼 | 조회 5222 | 추천 1
  • 2008.07.22
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

101. There's no point in resigning at this stage

102. I came up with a great idea                                  

103. When it comes to computers, Tom is an expert

104. Let's call it a day /  Let's call it quits  

105. That'll do

106. Does it work? / It won't work

107. I'm dead tired / I'm worn out

     I'm wiped out / I'm beat / I'm bushed /

     I'm burned out

108 Let bygones be bygones

109. Let's go for it!                                      

110. Are you coming down with something? 

111. I had a ball

     I had the time of my life             

112. I don't know how sorry I am → It's no big deal    

113. It's a great deal / It's a real bargain / It's a good buy   

114. If I help you finish the report, will you go camping this weekend? → It's a deal            

115. Please forward my mail to my new address

116. He point-blank refused it                             

117. I'll get back to you later                              

118. I have a previous(prior) engagement  

119. Good for you!

     I'm happy for you!                   

     I'm thrilled for you!

120. What are friends for?                         

121. I've grown out of my clothes

122. He ran a red light                           

123. My car is wrecked   

     My car broke down                          

124. I rear-ended the truck                               

125. I crashed into the truck                              

126. You know better (than that)                                   

127. Sorry, we are all booked → In that case, Can you put me on the waiting list?

128. You have my word

     Take my word for it  

129. You should break in your car 

     The dog is well broken in            

130. I can't carry a tune                                  

131. I'm locked out of my house

132. The boss is taking it out on us                       

133. He put me on the spot                              

134. His condition is touch-and-go

     He is in critical condition                     

135. What makes you tick?                         

136. I'm turning in early                                  

137. I've got to hand this to you!                  

138. How are you coping with this situation?                 

139. I need a shoulder to lean on                         

140. I'm tired of being cooped up in here                  

141. Your dress is too conservative

     Your tie is too flashy

142. It's hard to locate the problem                        

143. Just to be safe, take your umbrella                    

144. I slept like a log

     I couldn't sleep a wink

145. Claire talked me into buying it

146. The plane was packed with people

     The plane was packed like sardines 

147. I have to give you a ticket for speeding

148. Can't you overlook it just once?

     Have a heart !

     Give me a break!

149. Keep your chin up

     Pull yourself together!

     Don't let it get you down                     

150. That's just what the doctor ordered !                  

151. This course is a bit challenging for me         

152. Don't let it get to you!                               

153. I still can't make both ends meet      

154. My honor is at stake                 

155. The movie was great!  I'd give it four out of five

156. When do you expect him?

     He's expecting you.                          

157. What's the weather like today?                 

     What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?      

158. That's Anybody's guess

     Your guess is as good as mine

159. I bombed the test                                   

160. I didn't mean to get in your way                      

161. You've got to be kidding!

     You are putting me on, aren't you?    

     You can't be serious!

     You don't say!              

162. That's the spirit!                                     

163. The bottom line is you are the one responsible for the problem           

*164. It was a close call

*165. He's a man of his word

*166. It's a breeze

167. Can you get the door?

168. I haven't gotten around to it yet

169. It's way over my head

170. Tom gets along with Jane

      How are you getting along?

171. May I be excused?

172. You will pass the exam with flying colors

173. Stick around!

174. Don't pick on me

175. Could you look over this paper?

     Let me look into the paper

176. I don't have the slightest idea

     I don't have the faintest idea.

177. I feel dizzy, but it will pass

178. I have to take off now / I have to get going now

179. I feel bad about it

180. We don't carry that item

181. Fill out this form, please.

182. I'm not local

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