
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.


텝스 청해 스크립트로 공부하세요 -두번째-

^^ | 조회 6161 | 추천 1
  • 2009.03.12
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

[텝스 청해]


1. M: Excuse me. Is that your car outside?

W: Yes. Is there any problem?

M: Yes. It's blocking me in.


(a) I'm glad to hear that.

(b) Never mind.

(c) Go ahead.

(d) Oh, I'm sorry.


2. M: Fred got a new job.

W: Oh, he did?

M: Yeah, and I heard the pay's pretty good, too.


(a) Good for him!

(b) Why not?

(c) Don't worry.

(d) Take it easy.


3. W: It looks awfully hard to climb up trees like that.

M: I'm sure you can learn pretty fast.

W: But I've never tried it before.


(a) I hope I can learn next time.

(b) Trust me. It's not that difficult.

(c) I didn't know you'd be that good.

(d) You are improving though.


4.  M: Our vacation plans fell through.

W: How come?

M: My wife broke her leg.


(a) How did that happen?

(b) Where're you leaving?

(c) I hate breaking promises.

(d) She'll be so angry.


5. W: Do you have Working Mother magazine?

M: Yes, here's the June issue.

W: Oh, hasn't the July issue come out?


(a) Wait your turn, please.

(b) Not yet. Maybe next week.

(c) No, we don't carry them anymore.

(d) That's not the issue here.


6.  M: Did you say you're from Oregon?

W: Yes, why?

M: I'm planning to visit there. When is the best time to go?


(a) Well, it depends.

(b) I can go with you.

(c) I don't think so.

(d) Let me show you.


7. M: I'm thinking of quitting school.

W: Why? You have just one more year to go.

M: I know, but my parents can't afford to support me anymore.


(a) I think we should help him out.

(b) How about working part-time?

(c) I'll have to figure it out somehow.

(d) I can take care of myself.


8. W: I didn't know you were in the market for another car.

M: Well, I am.

W: What's wrong with the one you have now?


(a) The repair costs are just too high.

(b) I can only afford a used one.

(c) How much will you sell it for?

(d) It'll cost you more than it's worth.


9. W: Where are we going for vacation?

M: How about going to Cornhill Island?

W: That's great! We can go camping, can't we?


(a) All right. You name the place and time.

(b) Actually, I prefer staying in a hotel.

(c) I'm sorry, but I can't join you.

(d) But I haven't reserved tickets yet.


10. M: Are you going to Sally's housewarming party?

W: Yes, I am. I heard it's a potluck.

M: What kind of dish are you going to bring?


(a) I'm thinking of oriental noodles.

(b) I'm bringing some friends along.

(c) I'll come by later in the evening.

(d) I heard that Sally's a terrible cook.


11. W: It's freezing in here.

M: I'll turn up the heat.

W: How can you stand it so cold?


(a) Actually, I like it this way.

(b) I can't believe how cold it is here.

(c) I'll need to put on a sweater.

(d) You might catch a cold.


12.  M: We went to SeaWorld last weekend.

W: Did you go to the one in San Diego?

M: No, the one in Texas.


(a) Really? They have one there?

(b) Isn't it too far to drive?

(c) Who are you going with?

(d) How far is it from Texas?


13. W: Why such a long face, Stephen?

M: I failed Economics 101.

W: You studied hard for it, didn't you?



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