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독해 문제 10제 :)

독해문제 | 조회 8400 | 추천 0
  • 2010.05.10
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

1. Drugs are powerful tools in the battle for health. Penicillin is an excellent drug. Its great success in the battle against sickness has led to He discovery and use of many other drugs that kill bacteria. But how was penicillin itself discovered? Its discovery was not chiefly the result of a scientific search for a new drug. Its discovery occurred because a woman in a medical laboratory in London forgot to cover a dish of material being used in an experiment.


Which of the following is true of penicillin?

(A) The discovery of penicillin was made by tenacious struggle for anew drug.

(B) At first many people were doubtful of the effect of penicillin.

(C) Penicillin was, in fact, a by-product of chance.

(D) Penicillin resulted from many other drugs to kill bacteria.






2. In the United States, the number of single fathers doubled between 1983 and 1993. A single father has the complete responsibility for his child or children. He may be the only parent because the mother has died. Or, more often, he may be given the full responsibility for the children by the judge in court. This may happen when there is a divorce or when unmaried parents disagree. In the past, judges almost always decided that children should stay with their mother. Now, however, it Is more common for judges to decide in favor of the father. That is, a judge may decide that the mother is not able to take proper care of the children. This is the main reason why there has been such a large increase in the number of single fathers.


Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

(A) The number of unmaried parents is increasing.

(B) today single mothers in the United States are reluctant to take the full responsibility for the children.

(C) The main reason why the number of single fathers increases suddenly is the judgement in court.

(D) Women's roles in American society are changing rapidly.







3.The quality of the graphics output on a computer printer is measured in dpi (dots per inch). Simply by changing the density of dots that make up peach part of an image, the printer can produce graphics that look almost photographic. To understand how this works, consider how a black-and-white photograph shows the shades which, in real life, are colors. Each color is a different shade of gray, For graphics to be produced on the computer printer, a piece of software called a printer driver decides upon a dot pattern which will represent each color shade. These different patterns or textures each create an individual effect which your eye translates into gray shades. The closer you look at the image, however, the less lifelike it looks.


Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

(A) A computer printer can change the shades of colors.

(B) A printer driver is a piece of software that decides upon a dot pattern.

(C) The quality of the graphics is decided by density of dots.

(D) The graphic image wins its natural look when viewed close up.







4. The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., which houses the largest collection of books in the world, is fighting a battle against paper deterioration, The pages of old books, often yellowed and torn, sometimes crumble when they are touched, The main culprit in the battle is the acidic paper that has been used for making books since the nineteenth century. Air pollution and moisture have added to the problem. Strangely, the books that are most in danger of destruction are not the oldest books. The paper in books produced before the last century was made from cotton and linen rags, which are naturally low in acid. And the Gutenberg Bible, printed five centuries ago, was made of thin calfskin, and is in remarkably good shape. But in the nineteenth century, with widespread literacy bringing a demand for a cheaper and more plentiful supply of paper, the industry began using chemically treated wood pulp for making paper. It is the chemical in this paper that is causing today's problem.


Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

(A) The major cause of paper deterioration is acid.

(B) Books produced in the nineteenth century are comparatively safe.

(C) The older books are, the more easily torn and crumble when they are touched.

(D) Plentiful supply of paper is responsible for widespread literacy.








5. No nation on earth is home to more varied or spectacular wildlife than India. And few countries have made a more resolute effort to preserve their native species in the face of seemingly hopeless odds. There were perhaps 80 national parks and sanctuaries 30 years ago. Now there are more than 45-at least on paper-and still more are planned. And Project Tiger, the internationally assisted effort launched in 1973 to save India's national animal from extinction, appears to have succeeded. In less than two decades the official census of Indian tigers in the wild has roughly doubled. And yet, after nine trips to India over the past decade, it seems clear to me that the future of India's wildlife is more in doubt than ever.


Which of the following is close to the writer's view of the future of India's wildlife?

(A) fairly optimistic

(B) rather pessimistic

(C) quite indifferent

(D) very biased








6. Air pollution is not just smoke and soot. It is carbon dioxide and deadly carbon dioxide, both invisible. It is sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. There is lead from gasoline additives, solid particles of many kinds, traces of a multitude of chemicals from industry. Air pollution makes smog that can cut visibility so badly that it endangers airplane sand traffic on highways. Air pollution soils and corrodes. It damages skyscrapers and granite statues, steel suspension bridges, nylon hose, the metal gutters on the family house. It does hundreds of millions of dollars' damage to agricultural crops each year. It smells bad, it makes the eyes smart. Sometimes it can even kill.


Which of the following statements seems to agree with the beliefs of thewriter?

(A) Air pollution is more dangerous than water pollution.

(B) To prevent air pollution, we should abandon our scientific civilization

(C) The sources of air pollution are very

(D) Air pollution is too severe to prevent. various








7. The Federal-State Unemployment Compensaition Program is the basic program of income support for unemployed U.S. workers, It provides insured wage earners with a partial replacement of their wages during periods of involuntary unemployment. In general, the worker must be able to work, must not have quit without good cause or have been discharged for misconduct, must not be involved in a labor dispute and must be willing to work. Each state operates its own program under its own laws with only limited federal intervention. Each determines the amount and duration of the weekly unemployment benefits on the basis of prior wages and length of employment, States must extend the duration of benefits when unemployment rises and remains above specified state levels; the federal government shares the costs of extended benefits with the states.


Which of the following is true of the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program?

(A) States can shorten the duration of benefits when unemployment rises above a specified level.

(B) He who has quitted the job of his own accord is not eligible for unemployment benefits.

(C) The amount of the weekly unemployment benefits is fixed.

(D) It is exclusively run by the federal government.








8. Government and airline officials said yesterday that they are on alert as the season for bird migration draws near. This is due to damage caused by migratory birds interfering with the airplane engines os during take off and landing. Damage resulting from birds depends on the size of the airplane and the bird, the of socials said. For example, if a bird the size of a pheasant is sucked into the engine of a large Airbus-300 or Boeing-747 airplane, the repairs would cost a minimum of $1 million, of officials said, while a bird the size of a swallow would cause only minor damage. The interference of birds, however, are not attributed to airplane accidents as manufacturers, such as Boeing and Airbus, run extensive safety tests to minimize the damage.


Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

(A) Migratory birds are sometimes responsible for airplane accidents

(B) Small birds cause as much damage as large ones.

(C) Damage caused by birds is inversely proportional to the size of the airplane.

(D) Migratory birds may damage the airplane engines during take off and landing.








9.Investment Banking Staff A leading international bank seeks candidates for a position in its Credit& Marketing Dept. Basic qualifications include:- University graduate (MBA preferable)- Fluent spoken and written English- Relevant experience (1-3 years)- Understanding of financial statements- Self-motivated Please send resume and letter of self-introduction in English together with a recent photo to the address below by no later than September 21.Qualified candidates will be individually contacted for interviews. Applications submitted will be kept in strict confidence and will not beretumed. Address: Personnel Manager p,0. BOX81, Seoul.


Which of the following is true according to the above notice?

(A) An accounting office is looking for staff.

(B) A degree in Business Administration is a requirement

(C) Applications submitted will not be returned.

(D) Qualified candidates will be interviewed individually.









10.The National Institute on Aging has predicted that by the year 2050there will be as many as 14 million people nation-wide who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. This illness, about which relatively little is understood, destroys brain cells. Patients suffer memory loss or dysfunction, then loss of cognitive ability, then impaired physical functioning. Some persons with Alzheimer's disease may be susceptible to occasional outbursts of violence or anger. Family members 11nd themselves suffering emotional and physical stress as they invest large portions of their day in feeding, clothing, bathing, and guarding the patient or as they watch a loved one deteriorate mentally.


Which of the following is true according to the above passage?

(A) Alzheimer's disease can be a kind of response to others' violence or anger.

(B) Little is known about Alzheimer's disease.

(C) Some persons with Alzheimer's disease suffer emotional and physical stress.

(D) The number of people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease is predicted to decrease gradually.


***** 정답 *********


1.Answer C

2.Answer C

3.Answer B

4.Answer A

5.Answer B

6.Answer C

7.Answer B

8.Answer D

9.Answer C

10.Answer B

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