
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


[토스총평] 9/20(일) 강로사 선생님 토익스피킹 총평강의

스피킹총평 | 조회 5585 | 추천 19
  • 2015.09.20
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

안녕하세요. 해커스어학원 종로 캠퍼스에서 

토스 기본을 맡고 있는 강로사 선생님입니다.

2015920일 오후 3 30분 토익 스피킹 시험에 대한 총평을 시작하겠습니다.


Part 1. Read a text aloud



Q1. Report

  1. “r” - report

  2. “f” – terrific,  

  3. “th” – this, they/ three, think, throat

  4. communicate

  5. A, B, and C



  1. “r” – correct. dictionary  

  2. “v” - provide

  3. “l” – late. line, library

  4. Representation

  5. secretary

  6. A, B, and C


Part 2. Describe a picture


  1. 가게에서 찍힌 사진

  2. 여러 사람이 등장하는 사진

  3. 사람의 동작

  4. 입고 있는 옷과 주변의 사물 묘사  

  5. 배경 설명


  1. 장소 - This picture was taken in a store.

  2. 주인공 - The first thing I see is some people doing their shopping.

  3. 사람의 동작 옷과 인상착의 묘사

    In the middle of the picture, there is a woman selecting a card from the shelves. She is wearing a blue sweater and a skirt. On the left side of the picture, a woman is picking up a product from the shelf. On the right side of the picture, another woman in a pink sweater is taking a picture of the people. Behind them, a man is arranging products for customers. Also, I can see some signs hanging from the ceiling.  

  4. 배경 설명- In the background of the picture, many products are displayed on the shelves.

  5. 마무리 - Generally, it seems like a typical scene at a store.   


Part 3. Respond to questions

Topic – e-reader  

Q4. 경험

I bought an e-reader last week. It was a science fiction and I really like it because it is easy to read.   

Q5. 선호도

I prefer e-readers rather than printed books because it is easy and convenient to buy at online bookstores.   

Q6. Opinion

I don’t think e- readers will replace printed books in the future.

  • Printed books are good for eye health of people.  

  • It is easy to read printed books because people don’t need any devices for reading such as a smart phone or a laptop.


Part 4. Respond to questions using information provided.

Type - 여행 일정

Q7. When

The tour will start on (날짜), and it will end on (날짜).

Q8. 일정 확인

특정 상황에 대한 조건을 묻는 문제

Two full-day tours are scheduled.

The first is on (날짜) and we will tour (장소).

The second is on (날짜) and we will visit (장소).

Q9. 질문에 해당하는 모든 정보

There are two night tours.      

The first one will be held on (날짜) to (장소). It will start at (시간).

The second one will take place on (날짜) to (장소). It will start from (시간).


Part 5. Propose a solution 

전화 메시지를 통해 상대방이 가지고 있는 문제점을 요약하고 그에 대한 해결방안을 제시.

(첫인사)Hello. (받는 사람). This is 내 이름, (the position). I want to tell you about the problem from your message.

(상황 설명 및 문제점) According to your message, I understand that we are hosting a movie screening event for a renovation of our library and you are thinking about how to increase our fund raising through movie screening without any increases of ticket price.

(해결책) To solve the problem, I suggest that we should conduct a survey. From the survey, we will be able to figure out what movies people like and want to watch. Second, we should hold the screening event more often. I am sure it works because the event is very popular. We can also promote the event to attract more people. For example, more people will come to the event if we provide free snacks at the event.

(끝인사) If you want to discuss this matter further, please call me anytime. Thank you for your calling.


Part 6. Express an opinion


 (서론) I think that good managers is the most important feature of a job satisfaction. (문제에 제시된 topic).  There are some reasons to support my opinion.

(본론) First, I can get a lot of information from good managers.

For example, I worked at a company last year. At that time, I met many good managers there. Since they had plenty of experience at work so they taught me what they had learned from their experience such as skills of communicating with customers. It was a good opportunity for me to learn how to handle customer services in the field.

Second, good managers motivate me to work better.

In my case, my managers were very friendly and had communication skills. They made a good teamwork and I could focus more on my work with them. We interacted with each other and worked enjoyable. As a result, we were very successful in completing our team project.


(결론) For these reasons, I believe that…… (서론)

* 참고

토익스피킹이란? (개요 및 특징 보러가기)


외국어학원 1위 해커스어학원에서 '토익스피킹 10일만에 끝내기'


외국어인강 1위 해커스인강으로 '토스, 한방에 끝내기!'


실전 토익스피킹 학습하기


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