
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


Step 8. 내가 좋아하는 식당

시리즈 | 조회 8956 | 추천 12
  • 2011.01.28
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

내가 좋아하는 식당
→ You indicated in the survey that you go to restaurants. 
    Can you describe one of your favorite restaurants?
    Describe the restaurants and tell me what you like about the restaurant.


* 필수요소

1. My favorite restaurant
2. 레스토랑의 음식, 주 메뉴
3. 레스토랑의 인테리어 및 분위기
4. 레스토랑의 특징과 좋은 점

* 표현설명

1. 외식하다 (to eat out)
→ often 자주

    once in a while 간혹 가다


2. 이름은 ~입니다
→ The name of the restaurant is~. The restaurant is called ~.


3. 어디에 있는지도 얘기를 해주면 좋겠죠?
→ It is in ~. It is near ~. It is in the ~ area.


4. 어떤 음식점?
• Food Type
→ Korean/Chinese/Japanese/Italian restaurant
•  어휘

→ dish 요리

    Korean dishes 한식
    cuisine 특별한 요리
    foreign cuisine 외국요리

    fancy restaurant 체인점
    an exclusive restaurant 일류식당
    fast-food chain 패스트푸드 체인

    tasty 맛있는


6. 분위기 (atmosphere)
• 전반적인 음식점의 분위기는~

→ I like the atmosphere of the restaurant.
    The overall atmosphere of the restaurant is ~ .
•  어휘

→ romantic 로맨틱한

    traditional 전통적인
    cozy 편안한

    unique 독특한

    modern 현대적인


7. 음식은 어떤지?

• 추천하고 싶은 음식은~
→ I'd like to recommend ~, because~
•  어휘

→ fresh ingredients 신선한 재료
    well-being food / vegetarian dishes 웰빙음식
• 가장 좋아하는 음식 
→ My favorite dish / food is~

• 대표음식

→ The restaurant is famous for ~ / known for ~

TIP! 듣는 사람이 가보고 싶게 생생하고 맛깔스럽게 묘사해보자


8. 기타
• 종업원들이 친절하다

→ People that work there are very kind.
• 서비스가 빠르다

→ The service is speedy.
     You don't have to wait long.

• '서비스'를 잘 준다
→ on the house "The wine is on the house"
    free of charge "It's free of charge."


* 모범답안

I eat out with my family and friends about 4 times a week.
My friends and I often go to Chinese restaurants,
but my favorite is a small Indian restaurant called Mogul in Itaewon.
The restaurant is almost 20 years old,
but I really like the atmosphere.
The people there are all very friendly
and the interior is very unique.
They only use fresh ingredients and all of their dishes are really good, too. Mogul is popular for their chicken dishes,
but my favorite is their spicy shrimp curry.
I would recommend that you try their ‘Nan’,
which is a type of Indian bread.
It goes well with almost every Indian dish.


• 어휘

→ about 대략, 약
    a type of~ 한 종류의 ~
    go well with~ ~와 잘 어울리다

스피킹&오픽 자료실
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