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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Is the Expensiveness of Art Justifiable?

Art buying is considered a luxurious hobby because the value placed on art is usually lucrative. A lot of factors affect the pricing of art. The way art is priced is one of art’s controversies because many people feel that artworks are outrageously priced. This raises the debate on whether the expensiveness of art can be justifiable.

People who say so explain that that the law of supply and demand applies to the pricing of art. Unlike mass-produced items that come with the assurance of steady demand, art is not produced by artists at a steady amount and at a steady rate. There are some artists who do not make more than one art piece, and there are many who only create a limited number of artworks. Either way, any piece of art is unique.

Also, art is not a commodity for the masses. Every piece of art has its meaning, it has a story to tell, and it is a labor of love. Unlike the creation of commodities where machines do most of the work, the creation of art undertakes a personal and profound process. Pricing art modestly would be an insult to artists.

Finally, not only is art buying and collecting a hobby but also an investment. The pricing of art takes into consideration an art’s present and future value. Art can be financially valuable to a person who buys it. This is because the value of art can appreciate a lot. This, in a way, makes Oscar Wilde’s statement, “All art is immortal,” true.

People who disagree say that art should be accessible to all and not just to the elite. In order for people to understand art and know how to appreciate it, they must be able to afford it. People should not be deprived of it. Art should not only be for the eyes of a few. When art is priced luxuriously, it only makes the perception “Art is elitist” true.

Moreover, many artworks do not get sold because they are too expensive. If artworks were priced modestly, artists would be able to sell their artworks more easily. More artists would be able to continue to make a living out of their passion, and art-making would be a much more promising career choice.

Lastly, art has no practical value. It does not make people’s lives easier like technology does. People cannot use it as it only serves an aesthetic purpose which does not justify having an expensive price.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석



1. The creation and sale of art are governed by the law of supply and demand.


2. Art is not a commodity made for the masses.


3. Art is an investment.




1. The expensive pricing of art makes art only for the elite.


2. The expensive pricing of art makes it difficult for artists to sell more artworks.


3. Art does not have any practical purpose that makes it deserving of high pricing.


lucrative 많은 돈이 되는

outrageously 터무니 없이

justifiable 정당하다고 인정되는

steady 안정된, 지속적인

commodity 상품

profound 심오한

perception 인식

aesthetic 미학, 심미적인

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