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Intelligence Versus Character
Intelligence is a person’s ability to perceive information and retain it as knowledge that can be used in the future in any applicable context. It is important in learning, concept formation, understanding, and reasoning. On the other hand, character refers to good or bad behaviors or human virtues such as empathy, courage, integrity, loyalty, and compassion. Character is important especially in human relations, choices that people make, and actions that they do.
Although both are important, many people believe that intelligence weighs more. They say it is what ultimately makes humans the highest form of animal, but some people think otherwise.
Supporters of intelligence stress that it drives people to achieve their dreams and realize their true potentials. For this reason, many people emphasize the importance of education and invest in the education of their children. Fostering children’s intelligence gives society high hopes that they will someday land a promising job, build a career, and give back to society.
Furthermore, intelligence is most useful in crises and problem-solving situations. Intelligence makes people more efficient, productive, and results-oriented than character does. In contrast, character and emotions often drive people to focus on too many considerations that get in the way of what should be a faster decision-making process.
Most importantly, all forms of intelligence are highly valued in different sectors of society. For example, scientists are the ones who invent and discover breakthroughs that benefit mankind. They are also the ones who are always in pursuit of knowledge that can help improve humans’ quality of life. Moreover, intellectuals challenge existing belief systems and social constructs to help mankind embrace modernity and change.
Opponents of intelligence say that intelligence should only be secondary to character. Character is what makes people human. It represents a person’s heart. Intelligence, on the other hand, is useless if people’s actions are not driven by their beliefs, principles, and integrity.
Moreover, people driven by character can make contributions to society just as well as intellectuals do. More often than not, people of character think beyond themselves. They strive to touch people’s lives and make positive changes. They also make good leaders because they have the ability to think of ways to elevate not only their status but society’s as a whole.
Finally, character not only elevates a single individual but society as a unit. A society that is made of people driven by integrity prospers better than a society that is comprised by intellectuals who outsmart each other and compete with one another.
Intelligence is a person’s ability to perceive information and retain it as knowledge. Character refers to good or bad behaviors or human virtues. Although both are important, many people believe that intelligence weighs more because it is what ultimately makes humans the highest form of animals. Do you agree?
For Intelligence
1. Intelligence drives people to achieve their dreams and realize their true potentials.
2. Intelligence is most useful in crises and problem-solving situations.
3. All forms of intelligence are highly valued in different sectors of society.
For Character
1. Character is what makes people human.
2. People driven by character can make contributions to society just as well as intellectuals do.
3. Character not only elevates a single individual but society as a whole.
empathy 공감
compassion 동정심
crises 위기들
results-oriented 결과지향적인
pursuit 추구
intellectual 지식인
secondary 부차적인
more often than not 대개, 자주