
새해우유 | 조회 513 | 추천 1
  • 2019.01.09
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
[1]I'm sorry~ I'm sorry~ I'm sorry~
[2]I'm sorry to do. I'm sorry to bother you.I'm sorry to I'm late. I'm sorry I can't come.
    I'm sorry to say this. I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sorry to hurt you. I'm sorry to call you.
    I'm sorry I'm busy. I'm sorry I'm sick. I'm sorry Ican't join you. I'm sorry I can't help you.
[3]I'm sorry to leave. I'm sorry to do that. I'm sorry I'm hungry.
[4]I'm about to study English. I'm sorry to start. I'm sorry to do.
    I'm on it. I'm on a break. I'm on my way. I'm on the phone. I'm on vacation. I'm on ture.
    I'm on a diet. I'm on a date. I'm on my own.
    I'm here to help you. I'm here to vist. I'm here to see her. I'm here to say hello. I'm here to listen to music.
    I'm here to apply. I'm here to tell you. I'm here to meet you. I'm here to say sorry. I'm here to say goodbye.
    I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to argue. II'm not here to bleme you.I'm not here to help.I'm not here to compete.
    I'm not here to talk about the issue. I'm here to judge you. I'm not here to push you.
    I'm about to go. I'm about to tell him. I'm about to go home. I'm about to listen to music. I'm about to sleep.
   I'm about to call him. I'm abput to cantact you. I'm about to go to school. I'm about to read a book.
   I'm about to watch movie.
   I'm ready to go. I'm ready to learn. I'm ready to order. I'm ready to answer you. I'm ready to srart.
   I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to change. I'm ready to travel. I'm ready to sleep. I'm ready to go out. 
  I'm ready to tell you. I'm ready to join you/
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1710 [Day 25] Are you planing to ~? 너 ~ 할 계획이... 사진 톰과젤리 524
1709 [Day25] Are you planning to~ "~할 계획... 사진 고양이집사 472
1708 [Day 25] Are you planning to~? "~할 ... 바삭한인싸력 568
1707 [Day 24] Are you talking about~? "~... 바삭한인싸력 458
1706 [Day 25] Are you planning to~? "~할 계획이야?" 사진 스터디지기 509
1705 [Day 24] Are you talking about: -말하는거야? 사진 주말없는개미 464
1704 [ Day 23] I’m talking about : -에 대해 얘기중이... 사진 주말없는개미 453
1703 [Day 24] Are you talking about ~? ~ 말하는 ... 사진 톰과젤리 475
1702 [Day24] Are you talking about~ "~말하... 사진 고양이집사 514
1701 [Day 24] Are you talking about~? ~말하는거야?... 브룩실패 471
1700 [Day 24] Are you talking about~? "~말하는거야?" 사진 스터디지기 544
1699 [Day 23] I'm talking about~ ~에 대해 얘기 중이야... 브룩실패 632
1698 [Day 23] I’m talking about ~. ~ 대해 얘기 중이... 사진 톰과젤리 512
1697 [Day23] I'm talking about~ "~에 대해 얘... 사진 고양이집사 483
1696 [Day 23] I'm talking about~ "~에 대해 ... 바삭한인싸력 440
1695 [Day 22] I'm talking about~ ~에 대해 얘기 중이야... 브룩실패 461
1694 [Day 22] I’m talking About :-에 대해 애기중이야 사진 주말없는개미 428
1693 [Day 23] I'm talking about~ "~에 대해 얘기 중이야" [PART2] 사진 스터디지기 511
1692 I’m talking about ~. ~ 대해 얘기중이야. - part ... 사진 톰과젤리 475
1691 [Day22] I'm talking about~ "~에 대해 얘... 사진 고양이집사 462

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