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자주 사용되는 idom

행복병 | 조회 8521 | 추천 4
  • 2009.04.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

(1) 무엇보다도, 먼저, 우선

first of all

in the first place

above all

to begin with

to start with

more than anything else

for one thing




(2) 결국, 마침내, 드디어

after all

at last

at length

in the long run

in the end





(3) (수)많은

a good many

a great many

a number of

a great number of

a large number of

not a few

quite a few

no few



(4) (양, 정도)많은

a good deal of

a great deal of

not a little

quite a little

no little



(5) (수,양, 정도)많은

a lot of

lots of

plenty of



(6) -에 달라붙다, -에 집착하다

adhere to

stick to

cling to

attach to


(7) -에 몰두하다

give oneself to

apply oneself to

devote oneself to

dedicate oneself to

lose oneself to

be adsorbed in

be indulged in

be engrossed in

be preoccupied with


(8) 갑자기

all of a sudden

all at once

on a sudden

in the abrupt way



(9) 기타등등

and so on

and so forth

and the like

and all that

and what not



(10) -에 책임이 있다

be responsible for

be accountable for

be answerable for

account for

answer for

take charge of

take responsibility for

be in charge of


(11) -에 주의하다

attend to

pay attention to

pay head to

give attention to

give heed to

take notice of

take note of


(12) 결코-이 아닌

far from

anything but

in no way

in no case

by no means

on no account

not - at all

for no reason

not - in the least



(13) -에 대하여 근심하다

be anxious about

be concerned about

be worried about

be troubled about


(14) 어쨌든, 여하튼

in any case

in any event

at any rate

at all events




(15) 어떤일이 있더라도

at all costs

at all risks

by all means

at all accounts

on all accounts


(16) -하기 쉽다, -하는 경향이 있다

be apt to

be likely to

be liable to

be subject too

be inclined to

tend to

have a tendency to

be disposed to


(17) -에 관하여

with(in) regard to

with(in) respect to

with(in) reference to

as regards

as respects

as concerns




in point of

as to

as for



(18) 할 수 있다

be capable of -ing

be able to



(19) -에 종사하다

be engaged in

be employed in

be occupied in(with)

be busy in


(20) A를 B에 비유하다

compare A to B

liken A to B


(21) A를 B에 비교하다

compare A with B

put A and B for comparison


(22) 이용하다

make use of

avail oneself of

take advantage of

put to use

turn to use

turn to account

come into use

make the best of

make the most of

(23) -하지 않을수 없다

be compelled to

be impelled to

be forced to

be obliged to

be bound to

be made to

cannot help -ing

cannot(choose) but 원형동사

have no alternative but to

have no choice but to


(24) 말하자면

as it were

so to speak

in other words

that it[to say]



(25) 시중들다

attend on

wait on



(26) A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다

attribute A to B

ascribe A to B

impute A to B

blame A on B


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