
스터디모집 게시판 자신에게 딱 맞는 스터디를 찾거나 모집하는 게시판입니다.


일산 영어스터디 (매일아침, 고급영어토론)

비상즥전 | 조회 1026 | 추천 0
  • 2012.06.12
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
    고양시 일산서구
    주중 오전

Would you like to improve your English speaking skills?

Do you also need a "compelling" reason to get out of bed early in the morning?

Then, here is an English speaking study group you're looking for!

Inspired by many other study groups, I am arranging for a new one in 일산. But this one will be tough.

Please refer to the details below, and if you are interested, send me an email or text (카톡:about2soar).


Place: Cafe Two-some Place in 주엽, 일산 (tentative yet)

Time: 7:40 ~ 8:50 am, Mon-Fri (5 days a week in a row)

(1) wake up early and make the most out of morning everyday
(2) read and speak in English as fluently as we can

(1) read news articles which are going to be chosen each day
(2) prepare discussion topics and share them through 카카오톡
(3) get together in the morning and talk for an hour vigorously!

(1) high-intermediate level of English (roughly, 25 in iBT speaking)
(2) flat-out efforts that will make up for our lack of native-like skills
(3) strong willingness be on time always

(1) No charges at all for this study group, but feel free to order a drink for yourself.
(2) We have a penalty scheme for late-comers and absentees, though (2,000 or more)


The first meeting will be on June 22 (Fri), and you can apply until then.

I do not care your age, gender, residence, SES, and whatever, but I expect to see your efforts!

FYI, I am a male college student, eager to be an English teacher, disappointed in speaking courses in 신촌, 강남...

I hope 4 or 5 members will make it in the end. (I am also fine only with you.)

Please send me an email that includes your name, phone No, English proficiency, and simple profile.

Then I will answer you right away. Thank you.



[스터디 검색] 내가 원하는 지역, 시간대 등의 스터디를 찾아보세요!
스터디 종류 지역 상세지역1 상세지역2 상세지역3 시간대 성별
※ 상세지역은 최대 3곳까지 선택 가능합니다.
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해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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