
ch.11 ch.12 ch.13 질문드려요_

쥬뗌므 | 조회 856 | 추천 0
  • 2010.10.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


p.117 토익 실전 check-up

Ms. Lydon has (ever, never) visited the company's headquarters in Copenhagen.

답이 never 인 것은 알겠는데 ever는 왜 안 되나요..?


28. Dilliner Bank's success lies in its excellent customer service and ______ it has an advantage over other competitors.

a) therefore b) however c) so that d) instead of

c)번이 궁금합니다..


32. Office policy makes it very clear that ______ project managers are permitted to change deadlines.

a) finally b) simply c) only d) actually

a)와 d) 헷갈려요..


36. Mr. Chang went on a business trip to SaoPaulo ______, so he has some knowledge of Brazilian culture.

a) once b) ever c) yet d) when

b)가 궁금합니다..



38. This special promotional offer, which also includes a free yoga class, ______ on March 28.

a) expires b) will have expired c) expired d) has been expiring

b)와 c) 헷갈려요..



9. Ms. Hong developed a new advertising campaign to respond to the increasing ______ in the cosmetic market.

a) competitor b) compete c) competitively d) competition

a)와 d)가 궁금..


12. ______ of the customer survey revealed that the public is generally unaware of our services.

a) Analyzing b) Analytical c) Analysis d) Analyst

a)와 c)가 헷갈려요..


28. Mr.Song started working for the company five months ago ______ is already up for promotion.

a) also b) and c) for d) nor

a)와 b)가 헷갈려요..


모르는게많네요ㅜ꼭 도와주세요!

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