
ch3 9,19,22,25,27번 질문이요 ㅜㅜ

질문이요! | 조회 763 | 추천 0
  • 2011.01.12
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

9. After the assembly line malfunction was ______, factory workers were told it would be two hours

before they could resume production

(A)found (B)finds (C)to find (D)find


19.Before they took their morning break, the event organizer _____ attendees about the change of

 speaker for the afternoon session

(A)notify (B)is notifying (C)had notified (D)notifies


22. priscilla and her team members _____ a lot of useful information about  new design trends when

 they attended the trade fair

(A)will gather (B)to gather (C)gather (D)gathered


25. when Mr. McKay returned from his business trip, he noticed that several computer disks

 _____ from his office

(A)had disappeared (B)will be disappearing (C)will disappear (D)are disappearing


27. Analysts believe the public's fear of future economic crises _____ a decrease in consumer

 spending over the year.

(A)were causing (B)has caused (C)causing (D)is caused

답이 되는 이유를 설명해주세요 ㅜㅜ 부탁드릴께요^^

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
10530 리스닝 300점 정도 되는데 어떤 책을 구입해야 할까요 [1] etpark 1185 2011.01.25
10529 챕터7 7 14 19 21 31 좀 알려주세요~ [1] 토익공부중 602 2011.01.25
10528 1회47번문제 [5] 간다 1093 2011.01.25
10527 테스트 6 129번 도와주세요 [2] 메카회장 1158 2011.01.25
10526 66페이지 밑에 Check up [4] 궁금이 517 2011.01.25
10525 3문제좀 해결해주세요..ㅠㅠ [2] 토익맨 630 2011.01.25
10524 it/there 구분 [1] 토너 1034 2011.01.25
10523 페이지 58 7번문제 [1] Zara 638 2011.01.24
10522 테스트6 127번 [3] 으흠 1246 2011.01.24
10521 작년판이랑 요번년판이랑 크게 차이나나요?(2010, 2011) [1] 범전동 869 2011.01.24
10520 최신 출간일 [1] 한방토익 833 2011.01.23
10519 해설집 [3] 1175 2011.01.23
10518 해커스1000제 2 푸시는거 [1] 좋아요 1477 2011.01.23
10517 rc test 144 [3] shh90627 607 2011.01.23
10516 test3. part5. 115번 질문 [3] sj 1087 2011.01.23
10515 test3. part1.6번 질문 [2] sj 1108 2011.01.23
10514 p32~p33 [1] 토익입문자 661 2011.01.23
10513 나머지 2차질문이요!! [2] 서복어 714 2011.01.23
10512 1차 질문 5개먼저요!! [2] 서복어 798 2011.01.23
10511 p27 질문 있습니다. [1] ㅓㅏ 734 2011.01.22

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