
test9에서 109, 114,133,140,146,151

ekdlwp | 조회 616 | 추천 0
  • 2011.06.17
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

109. Failere to ----to this letter within seven business days will be considered 

      a rejection of the job offer.

(a)response (b)respond (c)responding (d)responses

답은b이구요. to부정사라서 동사원형 고르는문제 맞나요?

to부정사 구분하는 법좀 알려주세요ㅜ


114. According to a recent survey, many new garaduates are having difficulty finding

     ----- these days due to the economic crisis.

(a)workable (b)working (c)worked (d)work

답은 d인데요

일자리 라는 명사를 골라야 맞는것 같은데 work와 working 모두 명사로 일이라는 뜻이있는데

working은 안돼나요?


133. Everyone planning to attend the trade fair ---- a letter containing a schedule of

       planned events.

(a) to be sent (b) was sent (c)would send (d)has been sending

답은 b번이구요.

편지가  보내진거니까 수동태고르는게 맞는 것 같은데

(c)는 왜 안되는건아요?


140. To ensure the company's stability during the finacial crisis, the president

      established much --- ties with supplier and clients.

(a)stronger (b)strongest (c)strongly (d)strong

답은 a이구요

much다음이니까 비교급 아니면 최상급이라고 생각했는데요

이런 문제의 경우 해석을 통해서 골라야 하나요?


146. Therefore, your gym membership ---- your purpose of staying fit.

(a)was surved (b)shoud serve (c)would have sreved (d)had served

답은 b이구요

b하고 c하고의 해석상의 차이가 어떻게 되나요?


151. I would also like to inform you that the association's officials are looking forward

      to the special presentation that you ---- in the opening day's activities.

(a)have included (b) inclides (c) including (d) will be included

답은 a이구요.

발표가 열릴 것 이라고 생각을 해서 d라고 해서 틀렸는데요

왜 a인가요?

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
11330 mp3 [1] Jeny 1618 2011.06.19
11329 해커스 기본기LC, RC 정오표없나요?? [2] 정오표 903 2011.06.18
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11327 리딩 1000제 5회분 194번입니다. [3] 궁금해요 357 2011.06.18
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>> test9에서 109, 114,133,140,146,151 [1] ekdlwp 616 2011.06.17
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11317 RC 1회에서 [2] shouying 445 2011.06.16
11316 RC3회 50번 [2] shouying 305 2011.06.16
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