
해커스 토익 중급 문제 풀이 부탁드립니다~@ 2

Mintchoco | 조회 2060 | 추천 1
  • 2013.05.02
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소



p. 146

9. Lowell Cranston created a schedule that distributed the workload more _______ among his team member.

(A) even (B) evens (C) evenly (D) evened




p. 154

6. The conference is open to retail managers _______ businesses are privately owned.

(A) those (B) whose (C) what (D) that



p. 155

15. The manager to ______ the customer complaints were forwarded will carry out an evaluation of the service deartment.

(A) why (B) whom (C) whoever (D) when



p. 156

26. Ms. Lauren suggested contacting the travel agency ______ she once did business with.]

(A) them (B) which (C) what (D) where



p. 157

33. The decision to cut back on production was not sudden, ______ was rather the result of several months of research.

(A) so (B) which (C) neither (D) but



p. 164

7. _______ the staff only had one day to prepare, the product demonstration at the showroom was an incredible success.

(A) After all (B) Given that (C) Due to (D) Unless



p. 165

11. The resources department will give a presentation ______ their study on reusing computer components.

(A) by (B) into (C) through (D) of




29. Despite much praise, Ms. Dianne was not satisfied with her presentation because she is her own _____critic.

(A) harshly (B) harsher (C) most harshly (D) harshest

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
13930 test9 55번 [3] asdf 1266 2013.06.27
13929 p197 20번문제 [1] moon 1418 2013.06.27
13928 천제RC1 난이도와 예상강의문제집 난이도 [2] 1231 2645 2013.06.27
13927 1000제 1 listening mp3 파일 [1] 하늘 1043 2013.06.27
13926 8회 146번과 관련된 시제문제 [1] 으으 1223 2013.06.26
13925 7회 141~143번 지문의 문장분석 좀... [1] 집중하자 1151 2013.06.26
13924 RC test1에서 127번이요 [2] 900넘기자 971 2013.06.26
13923 test 1에서 79번문제 [2] 으앙 1189 2013.06.26
13922 이 책.. 난이도가 어느 정도인가요? [1] 2408 2013.06.24
13921 시제+ㅌㅐ 문제 질문 [6] 갱s 1857 2013.06.24
13920 시제 문제 모르겠어여 [5] 갱s 1799 2013.06.24
13919 Test3 138번 질문이요 [2] lo 1756 2013.06.22
13918 해커스 토익 리딩 파랭이 해설 관련 문의드려요~ [2] 꽁꽁꽁 2929 2013.06.22
13917 1000제 1 test5 124번 [2] ㅅㅎ 992 2013.06.21
13916 test10 37번 [4] 허허참 1221 2013.06.20
13915 rc 2과 120번 문제요~~ [2] 알려주세요 1124 2013.06.19
13914 7회 189번 답이 좀;;; [1] 189 1151 2013.06.19
13913 7회 151번 질문요~ [1] 화이팅 1280 2013.06.19
13912 7회 144번 질문드립니다 [1] 화이팅 1088 2013.06.19
13911 p240 13번 문제 질문입니다. [2] 질문질문 1392 2013.06.19

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