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Ansel Elgort, the Star of ‘The Fault In Our Star’

The tear jerking movie “The Fault In Our Star” hit national theaters in August and it is still popular. The movie is the best adaptation of John Green’s best selling and epic book of the same name. The movie has been well praised because it is not only faithful to the book but also all the actors did a pretty good job of holding the audience’s attention throughout the movie. Among them there is Ansel Elgort. Many of us are still talking about how madly we are crushing on this young Hollywood rising heart throb.

In the movie, Ansel Elgort well portrayed the perfect boyfriend, Augustus Waters. Gus is a former basketball player but had to quit playing basketball because of osteosarcoma which caused him to lose his right leg. He is a tall, handsome and attractive young man whom Hazel Grace, a teenage girl with terminal thyroid cancer, met during a support group. There are so many tear jerking moments throughout the movie thanks to Gus’s pure and innocent love towards Hazel Grace.

This attractive young man showed crazy chemistry with Shailene Woodly as Hazel Grace throughout the movie. There have been many speculations that the two are dating. The crazy chemistry, however, comes from their close friendship. They played siblings in the film Divergent released in April. He played Tris’s older brother Caleb. During an interview, Ansel was asked what it was like to act with Shailene who started out as a sister and then become a lover. He shared that it became a lot easier to trust each other and become emotional while looking into each other’s eyes because they became so close through the first collaboration.

To our surprise, Ansel is a relative newcomer to the big screen industry but is always in the center throughout his three movies. He actually made a big screen debut in “Carrie” just last year. He played the male lead, Tommy Ross who is a popular jock, handsome boyfriend and prom king.

Two more movies featuring Ansel which are “Men, Women & Children” as well as “Insurgent” are already waiting to hit the big screen this year and next year.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is the story portrayed in “The Fault In Our Stars”?


2. What movie featuring Ansel did you like the most?


3. Who is Augustus Waters in the movie?



tear jerking 슬픈 이야기의

adaptation 각색 

heart throb 가슴을 두근거리게 하는 배우 

portray 묘사하다 

osteosarcoma 골육종 

thyroid cancer  갑상선 암
support group 같은 문제가 있는 이들의 모임 

chemistry 서로에게 강한 끌림, 캐미 

speculation 추즉, 짐작

collaboration 공동 작업

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