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Here Come the Superfoods

Superfoods are types of food that are believed to have high levels of nutrients, such as phytochemicals and antioxidants, which are essential for one’s health. They are mostly derived from natural sources such as plants, fishes, and dairy products. Although superfoods are seen by experts as a marketing strategy because there is no definite criteria that will identify anything edible as a superfood, many health-conscious people still prefer eating them over other food products.

The term “superfoods” became popular in the early 2000s and it is still used by many people around the world today. The term is not used by food experts, especially dieticians and nutrition scientists, hence making it a colloquial word that is not formally accepted. In fact, the use of this term is banned in Europe because it is misleading and is not supported by proper research. The use of the term is controversial, however, most of the food items that are considered to be superfoods are still allowed to be part of one’s diet.

Among the famous superfoods are kale, quinoa, pomegranate, and beetroot. Kale is said to be loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and other minerals. Quinoa, used as a substitute for rice, is considered by some to be packed with protein and fiber. Some claim that pomegranate has anticancer properties and that beetroot may be a good source of iron, folic acid, magnesium and other antioxidants.

This year, it is said that people’s preference towards superfoods may increase as the trend on health regimens may be given more importance. Also, people are now finding ways to prevent diseases, with the belief that preventing diseases is financially wiser than having to pay a lot of money for management and treatment in hospitals.

Among the superfoods that are expected to be popular in 2016 are kefir (a fermented milk drink), teff seeds (derived from grass and is similar to quinoa), banana flour, coconut water and cauliflower. Experts do not discourage people from eating such types of food. However, they want people to know that nutritional claims of these superfoods did not undergo any proper process of testing to make them internationally accepted. They suggest that adding superfoods with other healthy options, having a healthy lifestyle and exercising are still the best ways to stay fit.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What are superfoods?

2. Why are superfoods controversial?

3. What are examples of superfoods?


phytochemical 식물생리활성 물질

edible 먹을 수 있는

dietician 영양학자

colloquial 구어의, 구어체의

folic acid 엽산

antioxidant 항산화제

regimen 섭생

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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