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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

The Courtroom Drama Genre

These days, there are a lot of genres of film or television programs that people can choose from. One of those is the legal drama or courtroom drama genre. This genre is not only popular in film and television but also in literature and plays. Courtroom dramas often revolve around the work of lawyers as they prosecute or defend a case.

Although the name “courtroom” suggests that the genre shows how lawyers work inside a courtroom, courtroom dramas also show the other elements present in the crime fiction genre as lawyers find evidence outside the courtroom. These elements involve law enforcement, crime, detective-based mystery solving, civil litigation, and the personal lives of those being prosecuted or defended. The main character of a story does not always have to be a lawyer. It can also be a judge, juror, or a defendant.

Courtroom dramas are particularly compelling to many viewers because they show the complexities and the controversial issues in the justice system. Many of these dramas also explore or expose issues like the notion that justice favors the rich.

A notable film that is a perfect example of this genre is “To Kill a Mocking Bird” which is based on a Pulitzer-winning novel of the same title. Some courtroom drama films are also based on real-life events. A good example is “Amistad,” a historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg. Famous American courtroom dramas include “The Good Wife,” “Boston Legal,” and “Suits.”

Courtroom dramas are also popular in South Korea. In some dramas, the genre is mixed with other genres like crime, suspense, fantasy, comedy, and romance. Among the most popular courtroom dramas in Korea are “Whisper,” “Vampire Prosecutor,” and “While You Were Sleeping.”

Courtroom dramas give people a good glimpse of what happens inside a courtroom. They also educate people, to a certain degree, about the law and their rights. However, courtroom dramas are still fictionalized versions of the different legal troubles, from civil to criminal cases, that people or companies get into. This means that writers of courtroom dramas still have the artistic license to distort facts to create an interesting plot. Therefore, viewers of courtroom dramas should keep in mind that these dramas are still not the best resource when it comes to getting more knowledge about the justice system.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is the focus of courtroom dramas?

2. What issues are shown in courtroom dramas?

3. What can people learn from courtroom dramas?


courtroom 법정

prosecute 기소하다

evidence 증거

law enforcement 법의 집행

detective 수사관, 형사

civil litigation 민사소송

glimpse 잠깐 보다

fictionalize 소설화하다

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