
해커스SAT, SAT 특강, SAT 학원, SAT 수업
blitz-crank | 조회 3590 | 추천 10
  • 2016.05.09
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

nowadays I realized that I want to be a perfect guy.

So I felt very stressful when I didn’t move my plan.

the bad thing, I blamed around people about all of my ruined plan.

it make me feel more stress. I know that I am not a perfect guy and I can’t.

do I avarice ? But I think it is normal. because our life is only one thing ,not two.

thus don’t you want to live lifetime you wanted.

So Do I.

I want to live what I want. even if the capricious goal of my life are coming.

to do so, I should be diligent. But I shouldn’t. I can’t wake up early. I can’t concentrate on a one for long time.

therefore it became stress. and I blamed around. and I felt more stress. again and again.

we know that answer is the time when we have a problem. so I will find the answer. just I wish that process finding the answer don’t make me feel hard.


well, aren't you?

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16342 Regarding my work [1] anon 4199
16341 marriage [3] Sad guy 4239
16340 답글 RE:marriage Sad guy 3670
16339 memo [1] ioios 3557
16338 today [1] mansu 4204
16337 diary [2] ! 3871
16336 D&F [1] mansu 4187
16335 my recent news [3] daisylee 4652
16334 dust fine [2] asykim 4374
16333 These days [1] Kloa 4179
16332 toeic [1] 111 4119
16331 에세이 사진 [1] freet1234 4403
16330 Today is gone! [1] Milk 4278
16329 The Diary (3) [1] blitz-crank 4039
16328 I love the mountains. I love the rolling... [1] happy93111 3932
16327 Dublin [2] hackerslee 3592
16326 The Diary (2) [3] blitz-crank 4078
16325 I want to be an exchange student. [1] bser 3296
>> The Diary (1) [3] blitz-crank 3590
16323 Worry like you have [1] GGyu 3317

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