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Scarlett On and Off-Screen

Scarlett Johansson is a famous American celebrity. She is a model, a singer, and an award-winning actress.

She is known as Black Widow in superhero movies like the “Captain America” franchise and “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” She will be back as Black Widow in “Avengers: Infinity War” which will be released in 2018.

Scarlett Johansson also starred in the French sci-fi action film called “Lucy.”

Scarlett’s Johansson’s most recent film is called “Ghost in the Shell.” It is based on the sci-fi manga series of the same title. Scarlett plays the main character called “The Major.” The Major is a human-cyborg hybrid that leads an elite task force called “Section 9.” The task force’s mission is to stop cyber criminals and hackers. Its most crucial task is to stop an enemy from wiping out Hanka Robotics’ artificial intelligence technology. “Ghost in the Shell” boasts of its special effects.

The casting of Scarlett as the female protagonist has caused some controversy and accusations of whitewashing. Some people say that Hollywood is reluctant to cast non-white actors, fearing that doing so would bring less profit than white actors would. However, some Japanese fans were surprised that the physical appearance of the chosen lead role is making more noise than what the film is really about. In fact, Sam Yoshiba, the director of the film, insists that Scarlett is the best choice to make a Japanese work of art known to the world.

The cast of “Ghost in the Shell,” including Scarlett, PilouAsbaek, Takeshi Kitano, and Juliette Binoche, recently went on a press tour. They first visited Japan which they thought is the best place to start. After their visit in Japan, Scarlett arrived in Seoul on March 17, 2017 to hold another press conference.

Aside from her movie roles, Scarlett is also known for being politically involved in issues in her country, so she was also asked in the Seoul press conference what she thought of Korean politics. She is a supporter of former U.S. President Barrack Obama.

She is also involved in some charitable work. She is a former global ambassador of Oxfam, a worldwide association of charitable organizations that aim to alleviate global poverty.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What bodies of work is Scarlett Johansson most known for?

2. What is “Ghost in the Shell” all about?

3. What did Scarlett Johansson do in Korea?


infinity 무한대, 무한성

task force 특수임무부대, 기동 부대

wipe out 완전히 파괴하다

boast of 자랑하다, ~을 뽐내다

protagonist 주인공

press conference 기자 회견

alleviate 완화하다

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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