
영어로만말해요 영어로 자유롭게 대화를 나누는 곳입니다. 반드시 영어만 사용해주세요.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
934 It\'s a little bit bored to study alone.... [4] Tyger!Roar 2451
933 Silver spoon [1] zeroman 2323
932 Is it me getting weird or is just the sa... [2] jupocks 2270
931 Irritating works [1] zeroman 2379
930 Routine defeats [4] zeroman 2730
929 endeavour. [2] 문법초보 2251
928 Tablo - airbag ( I changed korean to eng... [1] 네임베이 2628
927 How I can talk [7] zeroman 2356
926 The right to not read books [4] zeroman 2265
925 Story Maker App. [1] zeroman 2296
924 Ghost house [3] zeroman 2384
923 To buy an air conditioner [1] zeroman 2471
922 He called me [1] zeroman 2421
921 Adolescence [2] zeroman 2181
920 Dolphin is able to dream during the jump... [1] zeroman 2125
919 Birds go to die in Peru [2] zeroman 2494
918 A great time with golf [1] Audi 2172
917 Walking around the building zeroman 2014
916 children\'s atitude happy 2017
915 LC is so difficult to me [1] zeroman 2174
914 In order to win a prize [1] zeroman 2139
913 Solar and lunar calendars Audi 2025
912 OMG Its too much of burden for me ㅋㄴㄷㅎ 2236
911 The result of the golf game [1] Audi 2098
910 The first golf game between me and my mo... [2] Audi 2201
909 First time.. happy 2108
908 Unification quiz [2] Audi 2271
907 Sports day [8] Audi 2280
906 Piano [2] Audi 2307
905 A curious dream [2] Audi 2335

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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