
스터디모집 게시판 자신에게 딱 맞는 스터디를 찾거나 모집하는 게시판입니다.

해커스토익, 토익교재무료, 토익책무료, 토익문제집무료, 토익교재 무료배포

강남 수요일 저녁 상급자 스터디

study | 조회 1179 | 추천 0
  • 2019.12.17
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
“In-Depth Study WED” through English


The community named 'In-depth Study WED through English' is for not only practicing English but also seeing through social issues by sharing ideas and opinions with many people.


Therefore, the main purpose of this study is not just speaking in English itself but learning and thinking through English.

We believe that English is nothing but a tool to expand our horizons. 


Please knock the door if you also consider English as a tool as we do.

Come build up knowledge by using English.   



+ Where: Gangnam study cafe 꿈틀 (Facility fee, including coffee 5,000 won / person)


+ When: Every Wednesday 19:15~22:00


+ How to Join: Email (indepthstudy2019@gmail.com) 

Please email me with your brief self-introduction including following items and contact number or Kakao ID if you want to join us. 

1. Name 

2. English proficiency

3. Reasons why you are interested in participating


I'll contact you as soon as check the email.


(This study is for advanced English language learners.)


Please check the curriculum below carefully before apply.


The study curriculum >>> 


In-Depth Study (Wed) 


Session 1 (19:15~19:50) – Latest article from major English press and media

We'll choose the latest articles from the major NEWS providers as The Economist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Finance Times, BBC and so on. Each member takes turns reading and translating one paragraph to see if we fully understand the context. This session is the only one out of the four sessions that allows us to speak in Korean during translation.


Session 2 (19:50~20:25) - Discussion or Debate on the Session 1 topic

We'll have a talk and share the ideas or opinions on the topic.

We may break into several small groups to have an in-depth discussion on the topic or a debate when there is a divisive issue. Either way will help us practice thinking logically and speaking clearly. 


Break Time (20:25~20:30)


Session 3 (20:30~21:10) - 5 minutes speech/Presentation 

We will mix and break the small groups again. Each member will have a 5 minutes speech or presentation in front of the other members. Delivering a formal speech is believed to be one of the best ways to practice English. So, we make it mandatory for every member. Any topic is alright as long as your speech or presentation has a message or useful information.



Session 4 (21:15~22:00) – Video Clip watch & study (tone & Manner) & Debate (Pros/Cons)

We'll choose one Video clip of the speeches or the presentations from MOOC, Youtube, Corsera TED and etc. We’ll watch the video clip together and pick up the impressive expressions and the tone and manner in speech or presentation using transcript. Then, we will break the member into two groups for Pros/Cons debating.

*Everyone should bring one question each to the article and the video clip



+ One rule for the study + 


Speak only in English until you leave the study place, even during the break time.

[스터디 검색] 내가 원하는 지역, 시간대 등의 스터디를 찾아보세요!
스터디 종류 지역 상세지역1 상세지역2 상세지역3 시간대 성별
※ 상세지역은 최대 3곳까지 선택 가능합니다.
스터디모집 게시판
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
136958 [스피킹] 토스, 오픽 스터디 eric 1654 2020.11.04
136957 [회화] [강남] 영어회화 스피킹 중급 스터디 같이 하실 분 모집해요 Kal 1601 2020.11.04
136956 [회화] [ 강남 ] 2040 영어 회화 스터디 실력 키우실 분 ( 초급 ~ 상급... hrdrs 1596 2020.11.04
136955 [기타] [지역경제/학술] 익명 단톡방 "경제" 스터디 모집합니... 행복경제 1600 2020.11.04
136954 [스피킹] [강남] 두시간만 확실하게! 인맥은 덤! 캐주얼 영어스피킹 스터디원 모집... worldlee 1611 2020.11.04
136953 토익스터디원 구합니다!(성신여대~수유) [2] 스터디원구해요~ 1728 2020.11.04
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136951 [회화] 온라인 영어회화 EBS Power English(오프라인과 다를 게 없어... 파잉 1708 2020.11.03
136950 [회화] [강남] 강남역 11번 출구 영어스피킹모임! 스터디원 모집합니다. 영어회화같이해요 1585 2020.11.03
136949 오픽 AL 목표로 온라인 보이스 레코딩 피드백 마린 1583 2020.11.03
136948 수원 영어회화 스터디 **수영모** 인원 충원합니다 개평 1667 2020.11.01
136947 [회화] 쉬운주제를 가지고 회화중심으로 진행 영어회화스터디입니다.((홍대 5번출구... 222 1633 2020.11.03
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136944 [회화] 영어 회화 실력 늘리기 필요한 영어 초보분들 위한 회화스터디 5545 1616 2020.11.02
136943 [회화] (강남) 영어회화 중급 스터디 (프리토킹/TED/일상토론 등) Venus 1583 2020.11.02
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136940 [회화] 영어 스피킹 중상급 멤버 충원합니다.(장소무관, 디스코드 접속) 수루 1705 2020.11.02
136939 영분 통압기 스터디 (유튜쁘 또는 TED) 사진 seyjoon 1692 2020.11.02

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

해커스토익, 토익교재무료, 토익책무료, 토익문제집무료, 토익교재 무료배포

토익 약점관리로 고득점 뚫을까?

실시간 정답확인
