- 2014.06.10
한국계 캐나다인 통역사(토익 만점, 과외 경험 풍부)가 주도하는 기업 하반기 공채 Prep (Discussion, Mock interviews, Presentation, Summarization, Vocabularies, Writing etc.) 영어 모임에 초대합니다.
My name is Samuel and I would like to invite those who are job-seekers and hoping to develop their English skills.
Unfortunately, I myself am a job-seeker right now (기업 하반기 공채 준비 중) and a friend of mine, a job-seeker as well, and I plan to start a group so that can we practice English together and achieve the common goal.
I get a lot of enjoyment out of helping and I will be glad to help you develop the skills and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Yes. Working together! >>>>>> Synergy!
We plan to meet approximately 5 times a week (조정 가능).
연락 주세요! Samuel 010-3339-5567

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.