
해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청
Shin | 조회 2057 | 추천 11
  • 2018.02.03
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Subject : Among among role model and individuality, which one is more important for young people to make a decision in their life ?
Many children around the world are influenced in ther decision maiking by relatives,famous people or other role models however, some people believe that it is much more important for young people to build a life based on their own ideas.this essay will explain the influence of both models and individuality as well as disadvantages that these ideas present.

It is widely known that successful people have in common that they had their role model as a child and young people usually get motivated by their role model to be successful like a role model.they  can also learn and realize the important things through the life of their role model. it would be possible especially for young people to make a more sensible decision when they stand at the turning poing of their life. there are some young people who were so impressed with their model that they finally achieved their big dreams under many hardships.it could be a powerful motivation,and would lead to success neverthless, following just the life of role model would be the life like a robot.

Living with individuality would be much more important for young people to build a life based on their ideas.they have their sense of value and have a right to live as a human being by their ideas and decisions,so they will feel more satisfication and happiness as well as having a positive attitude on life however, it would be more likely to make a wrong decision and wander about the way in their life.

I think that the most important person is my life shoud be myself,and it is allowed it should be allowed to make a decision based on my own ideas without being affected by a role model.this is real happiness.

Therefore it is better for youg people to decide for themselves how to live.
해커스잡, 해커스잡인강, 취업인강, 대기업취업, 인적성, 면접, 자소서, 무료인강, 취업인강환급반
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