
서현수 | 조회 2393 | 추천 7
  • 2018.06.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
today i will play lol game in this building and it took a longtime after i entered here i am staying here almost for 2 months it is not precise but it will be good thing bcz here is very comfort and meal is very delicious i missed my parents they are living apart from me but it will be okay bcz sometimes i go to there usually a i want to play game lol and read book before i wrote a diary i uploaded some article on facebook. it good i think wrote a diary sometimes it good to improve english skills actually i not interesting at english but i don't have something to do in here so i wrote a diary i need take a rest and want to eat some cookies for korea money five hundreds one i have been to another country for many time usually in asia especially i really impressed in china there are really huge and have many things to eat food is really good i think they are also eat rice but china rice is different someone said eating food with me china rice can blow so i tried blowing rice and then rice blow anway food is really good i have a plan to go israel after 2 years also i have been to ireland and cambodia vietnam china russia indonesia china is twrice untillnow i thought i went to there many times it is really fun to go there i want to go there again acutally i really enjoyes took a airplane and airplane food i want to go another country again bye
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16422 today [1] 서현수 1710
16421 "Faith" [1] Mr. X 1678
16420 Why did I start learning English? [1] 영알못 2131
16419 What can you say about your job? [4] Jessica 2050
16418 영작 맞는지 좀 봐주세요 ㅠ [5] 영어매니아 2177
16417 today [1] 서현수 2226
16416 My ex's birthday [3] Loon 2387
16415 Choice [1] Mr. X 2143
16414 불량한 십대 커플 [1] 은하수지킴이 2251
16413 Coffee & Ramen [6] Mr. X 2605
16412 Luncheon [3] Mr. X 2657
16411 영어 초보입니다. 많은 첨삭 부탁드립니다. [2] 왕룡 2761
16410 Another Polluted Day [1] Mr. X 2290
16409 영어 초보입니다. 처음 작문 해보는데 많이 막히네요. 도와주세요. [3] 영어화이팅 2466
16408 A Social Gathering [5] Mr. X 2645
16407 It's gonna be fine Jason 2316
16406 Dog Videos [2] Mr. X 2188
16405 Fine Dust or Cold Mr. X 2277
16404 year-end tax adjustment 애간장 2345
16403 27.Dec.2018 [2] hahehiho 2464

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