
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2022. 11. 24 참여자수 : 5255명

Part 5
1.  Most of the probationary employees are ------- with the newest accounting software and must undergo training before being granted full employee status.


2.  White Star Corporation's products ------- everything from panel televisions in a variety of sizes to cars and automobile insurance.


3.  An employee who divulged important company secrets to a competitor is now ------- investigation to determine whether he acted alone.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Ben Whishaw <benwhishaw@techu.edu>
From: Willa Booth <w.booth@csu.edu>
Date: April 11
Subject: Re: Software development project

Dear Ben,

Thank you for writing to me about your software development project and for sending the draft proposal that describes it. For quite a while now, I ---4.--- to develop a utility software that could speed up computer performance. ---5.---. So I would definitely like to collaborate with you on your project, as it is similar to the ideas I have.

However, your ---6.--- doesn’t work for me. I will be working on an antivirus program until the end of June, and then I ---7.--- to relocate and need a few weeks to accomplish that. You said there is some leeway in the schedule, so do you think you could hold off on the start date until mid-July, or even early August? Let me know if this is possible.

Best Wishes,









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