
매일 토익 RC 풀기 매일 제공되는 RC문제로 토익 실전 리딩 완전 정복하세요!

2022. 09. 23 참여자수 : 5161명

Part 5
1.  Only 25 percent of respondents reported feeling ------- and able to get back to work immediately after a long holiday break.


2.  The executive officer talked about ------- for business expansion in Kansas during the first half of the board of directors meeting.


3.  ------- preparing news releases for the media, the public relations head also hosts company events such as press conferences.


Part 6
Questions 4-7 refer to the following memo.

To: University of Canterblane department secretaries
From: Jefferson Lance, IT Office director
Subject: RE: Staff Training

For the entire month of November, the IT Office will hold training seminars to acquaint professors and administrative employees with the university's improved computer system. Attendance is required for all teaching staff members. Since new features were added, ---4.---- for our faculty to learn about these changes.

The IT Office will conduct daily sessions Mondays through Saturdays. ---5.---- professors may attend the training anytime within the month, every department is strongly advised to arrange an exclusive session for its staff. ---6.----.

For more information regarding training, please contact the IT Office at extension #521 and ask for Oscar. We look forward to your full ---7.---- and hope that the recent modifications to the university's computer system will be helpful for everyone. Thank you.









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