
해커스일본어 무료 레벨테스트

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1234 | 조회 3646 | 추천 0
  • 2004.03.06
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
German man wants state-paid sex

The man\'s claim amounted to more than $3,000 a month

A German court has rejected a claim from an unemployed man who wanted the state to provide him with pornographic material and free visits to a brothel.

The 35-year-old man took his local authority to court after the foreign ministry refused to pay an airfare for his Thai wife to travel to Germany.

He argued that they should compensate him for his lack of sex.

But the court in the southern town of Ansbach said such activities should be paid out of his welfare benefits.

A court spokesman said the man was planning to appeal.

Unfulfilled needs

The unnamed man argued that, as his wife lived in Thailand, the local authority had to compensate him for his \"considerable sexual needs\".

The 2,500-euro claim (£1,700, $3,050) a month was to fund weekly brothel trips, eight pornographic videos and transport costs to and from a video store.

\"I require the brothel visits for my physical and psychological wellbeing,\" the man said in his application.

But the court said social security benefits already covered \"everyday requirements\".

from BBC
해티즌 자유수다
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