

oㅣ거 해석좀해주세요, 급해요,ㅠㅠ

은혜 | 조회 906 | 추천 0
  • 2005.03.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
hi this is Robin, your cousin in the uSA do you remember me?@?@?@ well its sad that you dont even email me by the way it is robinhood1717@yahoo.com so how is life i wish you could call me and we could talk i miss hearing your very high pitch voice so anyone new in your life i know that there are alot of guys that are out there that would like to get with you but dont let them cause there is someone out there that is better then all of them put together. well hurry and graduate high school, cause i will send you a plane ticket so you can come to california in the good o' usa so i can spoil you. well i wonder if you can even understand all that i wrote to you. but im sure that you wont check this until later in the year like ten years from now or something like that. well i heart that your doing in school working hard and studing until your brain explodes or over flows with pink puss and your gonna go crazy from and the one plus one equals twenty one ahahahah just kidding. well it about time for me to go out so i hope that you will email me one day just to let me know that you didnt forget about me. cause if you forgot about me that would really stink cause i didnt forget about u. just know that when ever you want to come to california, someone will be here to pick u up at the airport.

ps. tell your mom that i said hi and that i miss her and that she will always be in my prayers.  ohhh if you have time call me my number 18184343221 call me whenever you have time it is monday the 14th of march ok ill see how long it takes you to return my email or my invitation to call me.

peace out girl

:) robin your cousin

(that you most likely forgot sometime in the past)

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