

문법 체크 쫌 해주세요~

현미 | 조회 341 | 추천 0
  • 2007.12.12
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Andrew Littlejohn thinks that shouldn’t underestimate the importance of self-


esteem and a sense of competence in language learning as crucial factors


affecting motivation. When we plan a lesson, we have to consider students’


feelings. If they can’t do exercises, they will create a lack of confidence.


I think it is very important that students don’t lose their confidence by


themselves. In my case, I sometimes lost my confidence and gave up in my class.


Because, the exercises are very difficult for me. It is no good giving up by myself.


After all, I didn’t want to study anymore, after class I created a lack of


confidence and I was under pressure.


  On the other hand, if exercises are very easy, the students will overrate by


themselves. It is also no good. They might not study very hard. So, we have to


choose the appropriate exercises. The students need to feel good about




  For example, when we plan a lesson, we start talking about interesting topic and when we teach the vocabulary, we approach familiar, easy vocabulary. So, the


students feel more comfortable and have confidence. Even if they learn difficult


vocabulary. They realize that their efforts actually lead to get their aim.


In my case, when I arrived in Canada. My goal was that one text book work out


for a month. It was very hard, but when I finished the text book, I was so happy,


because I accomplished my goal. After then I’m used planning about my aim. I


can lead the students to plan about their goal for quite a while. We check each


other how to accomplish our aim and we can talk about what the next aim is?


Conclusion, I’d like to say that it is the most important to what the students accomplish their aim without losing confidence. The teachers have to lead the students to have confidence.

해커스토익, 토익교재무료, 토익책무료, 토익문제집무료, 토익교재 무료배포
해티즌 자유수다
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