
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.


6월 대비 자작 8문제 (문3 어3 독2)

jack | 조회 4136 | 추천 8
  • 2012.05.26
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

문법 문제

1. Since ___________ believed not to vote, authorities concerned are trying to motivate the participation of voting.

(a) a great many is

(b) most the people are

(c) almost peoples are

(d) many a person is



2. If I ______________________ there when I was fifteen, I could not be married with her now.

(a) had not gone

(b) did not go

(c) have not gone

(d) were not gone



3. Songs sung by a woman _____________________.

(a) were heard make me wake up

(b) were heard to make me wake up

(c) were heard make me to wake up

(d) were heard to make wake up me




어휘 문제


1. (A) : What do you think would help raise my scores?

(B) : When you solve questions, ______ yourself to feel like in a real test with limited time

(a) total

(b) pester

(c) time

(d) depress



2. (A) : Our son does not listen to me at all. Some measures should be taken.

(B) : Yeah, he is too ________ for me to worry about he will be mixed with other people.

(a) meandering

(b) obstinate

(c) sound

(d) naive



3. (A) : Why is it so ________ upstairs?

(B) : Jack is refurbishing his home with his wife.

(a) uproarious

(b) desultory

(c) excruciating

(d) corpulent





1. OECD has announced that korea will ____________________________. It has analyzed the long term the potential growth rate of several economic mainstream nations such as America, india, china, all over the world, regardless of memberships. According to the report by it, the potential growth rate of korea is ranked at the fifth in 2012, relatively high, but is expected to decline slightly from 2018, which is supposed to continue until 2030. Eventually the potential growth rate of korea will plummet to 1 %, one of the lowest ones and second to last, Luxembourg. This is predicted due to one of the lowest birth rates resulting in the drop of economically active people.



(a) be passed by developing nations

(b) develop its economy at the slowest level

(c) be in stagnant economics in actuality in the future.

(d) experience the decreasing population


2. Herodotos used a word of which meaning was delving into truth, 'history', for stories regarding the past, which was a extraordinary try, because he tried to create new forms of stories distinguished from epics pervasive at that time. However, under the regime of Rome, the historical concept in western world had changed in its focus from seeking what really happened to 'stories'. In other words, even though the standard for assessing historical documents was still whether to reflect the truth of the past, _______________________ was deemed more essential rather than reiterating historical facts or finding new ones.

(a) succeeding the traditional form

(b) absorbing to create new things

(c) intriguing indifferent readers

(d) conveying truths impressively



문법 1번 수정했습니다. (어이없는 실수를..)




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