
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


[토스총평] 4월 24일(일) 전승기선생님 토스총평강의

스피킹총평 | 조회 5220 | 추천 24
  • 2016.04.24
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


안녕하세요 해커스 어학원 종로 캠퍼스에서 TOEIC SPEAKING 강의을 맡고 있는 전승기입니다.

지금부터 토익스피킹 2016424 오전 11 30분 시험에 대한 총평을 시작하겠습니다.

Part 1



Question 1. 안내문

1.Thank you~로 시작되는 문장 정확하게 높게 올려 읽어주세요.

e.g. thank you for coming to the annual conference!

2.The 정확하게 발음하시나요? 뒤에 오는 단어가 모음 a/e/i/o/u/로 시작 될 때 라고 발음해주세요

e.g. The importance / the event / the hours / the opening / the university

3.단모음 / 장모음 차이 정확하게 해주세요.

e.g. sit / seat, live / leave

4.문장의 나열 A↗,B↗, and C↘ 은 꼭 지켜서 천천히 강조하며 읽어주세요.


Question 2. 방송지문

1.R / L 발음이 받침으로 올 때 정확한 발음!

e.g.    real / rear                    wall / war         sole / sore.      

folk / fork                    call / car           file / fire

2.장모음 정확하게 발음해주세요!

e.g. Goal, load, road, coat, throat

3.문장의 나열 A↗,B↗, and C↘ 은 꼭 지켜서 천천히 강조하며 읽어주세요.

4.Part 1같은 경우는 많은 사람들에게 읽어준다고 생각하세요!


Part 2.



Question 3. 실내에서 찍힌 사진

- 중심대상이 3명 이상이고, 하고 있는 행동들이 모두 다르므로 생략해줄 것들은 생략해주세요!

- 주변 대상은 실내에서 볼 수 있는 사물들의 어휘를 많이 익히고 그 각각의 어휘들을 어떻게 표현할 것인가를 평소에 연습하시면 큰 도움이 됩니다.

- 묘사하기 어려운 사물들은 색깔, 모양이라도 설명해주세요 (yellow round basket.)

- 시간 항상 체크하면서 일정 시간이 지나가면 주변묘사, 느낌, 날씨 등 준비된 템플릿을 말해주세요.

Model Answer:

This picture is taken at a library. The first thing I notice is three people between bookshelves. A woman in the foreground of the picture is browsing the bookshelves to look for some books. She is wearing glasses. Behind her, there is a couple of people discussing a book. A man is holding the book, and another person is pointing at the book. They seem to enjoy the conversation because they are smiling. In the background, I can see many windows. Overall, the picture looks calm and peaceful.



part 3.



장소에 관하여 설문조사

Question 4. 얼마나 자주? 어느 시간대에? [What time of the day]

Well, I cook about once or twice a week, and I usually prepare the meal in the morning for my breakfast.

절대로 Sunday / weekdays / weekends 안 되요!!

항상 의문사를 확실하게 파악하셔서 어떤 것을 물어보는지 정확하게 파악해주세요.

e.g. 얼마나 자주 가나요?

I don’t go there that often 자주 가지 않아요
I usually go there once a week / month / day
일주일에 한번 갑니다.


Question 5. 마지막으로 ~ 한 것 설명

Well, the last meal I had was a sandwich. It was a chicken salad sandwich, so it was very tasty and good for my health as well.


Question 6. ~ 하겠습니까?

Oh, Yes, I will definitely take the cooking class if there is one for free. It is a good chance for me to learn a new skill and broad my knowledge. I am currently very interested in cooking healthy food and diets. By asking professionals, I will be able to find a better way to absorb all the nutrients of the food more effectively.

part 4.




Question 7. 언제 하나요? (~가 끝난 후에)

After the greeting, there will be a discussion session about marketing


Question 8. ~만 하나요? (전반적인 내용에 관한 질문)

Well, there are more than just customer marketing sessions in the forum. There are other topics going on that day.


Question 9. 공통사항을 말해주세요!

Let me see, according to the schedule, there are two sessions about marketing strategies. The first session is about marketing strategies for family group customers. It will start at 11:30 AM. Also, you will watch a video about improving relationship with customers from 2:00-3:00PM.

시간 중간중간에 확인하시면서 꼭 추가문장으로 세부적인 시간과 발표자도 말씀해주세요! 


part 5.



고객을 유치해야 합니다 (난이도 !)

Question 10. 새로운 프로그램을 제공합시다 / 시설을 변경합시다.

(인사 및 문제 정리) Hello, Ann, this is Mike calling you about the issue. From what you mentioned from the message, I understand that you want to attract more seniors to sign up for the membership of our fitness center while maintaining our regular customers.

 (주 해결 방안 제시) Well, why don’t we add some fitness programs that are senior friendly? Nowadays elderly people are very interested in health and diet, but there hasn’t been a single program that are perfectly matching to their health condition. All of the fitness programs have been for younger people and they were very tight and extremely hard for seniors. We can at least change one of the weekly programs to senior yoga and massage program.

 (두 번째 해결 방안) Also, how about renovating some of our facilities. We can add some furniture and extra wheel chair access to make it easier for our potential customers to visit our fitness center. When they know that we try our best to take care of their health, they will be attracted to our fitness center. 

(끝 맺음) If you have further questions, please contact me, I’ll talk to you later, bye

항상 원하는 답변을 준 이후에 추가적으로 제공된 표현문구들 중에서 골라 쓰세요.

고득점을 위해서는 두번째 해결방안을 주시는 것이 좋습니다.

키워드는 항상 들은 대로 최대한 맞춰서 말해주시기 바랍니다.

part 6.



단점을 말해주세요! (난이도 !)

Question 11. 외국에서 ~을 할 때의 단점

해외에서 공부하면 이런 단점이 있습니다.

1. 돈이 많이 들어갑니다

2. 문화적인 이질감으로 성공적인 ~을 성취하기 어렵습니다.


There are several disadvantages of studying in foreign country. (첫번째 이유)  First of all, when students decide to go abroad to study, it means they have to move and settle in another place. It costs a lot, and all the financial support will become their parents’ responsibilities. Usually education fee for foreigners is more expensive than local students’, and living expense is also a burden to parents as well. (두 번째 이유) Moreover, nowadays university students are considered as young adults. They are still young, and can make lots of mistakes. Due to the difference of language and culture, students may have difficulties emotionally. In results, they may not be able to achieve their educational goals, but just waste their time. (마무리 There are the disadvantages of studying in foreign country.


* 참고

토익스피킹이란? (개요 및 특징 보러가기)


외국어학원 1위 해커스어학원에서 '토익스피킹 10일만에 끝내기'


외국어인강 1위 해커스인강으로 '토스, 한방에 끝내기!'


실전 토익스피킹 학습하기


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